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6233 results: 6193 articles and 40 books or book chapters

Last updated: 11/04/2024
  1. Book 5981 Dynamics of glass forming polymers by neutron spin echo
    J. Colmenero, A. Arbe, D. Richter, B. Farago, and M. Monkenbusch
    Lecture Notes in Physics Vol. 601, pp. 268-279 (SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, HEIDELBERGER PLATZ 3, D-14197 BERLIN, GERMANY 2003).
  2. Book 5982 Time-dependent density functional theory
    M. A. L. Marques, and E. K. U. Gross
    PRIMER IN DENSITY FUNCTIONAL THEORY, edited by C. Fiolhais, F. Nogueira, and M. Marques
    Lecture Notes in Physics Vol. 620, pp. 144-184 (SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, HEIDELBERGER PLATZ 3, D-14197 BERLIN, GERMANY 2003).
  3. Scientific article 5983 Methyl group dynamics in a glass and its crystalline counterpart by neutron scattering
    A. J. Moreno, A. Alegria, J. Colmenero, and B. Frick
    Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 74, S424 (2002).
  4. Scientific article 5984 Secondary relaxation in two engineering thermoplastics by neutron scattering and dielectric spectroscopy
    S. Arrese-Igor, A. Arbe, A. Alegria, J. Colmenero, and B. Frick
    Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 74, S454 (2002).
  5. Scientific article 5985 The rotational barrier for methyl group dynamics in anhydrous sodium acetate
    A. J. Moreno, A. Alegria, J. Colmenero, and B. Frick
    Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 74, S1351 (2002).
  6. Scientific article 5986 Component dynamics in polymer blends: a combined QENS and dielectric spectroscopy investigation
    S. Hoffmann, D. Richter, A. Arbe, J. Colmenero, and B. Farago
    Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 74, S442 (2002).
  7. Scientific article 5987 Neutron scattering on partially deuterated polybutadiene
    S. Kahle, L. Willner, M. Monkenbusch, D. Richter, A. Arbe, J. Colmenero, and B. Frick
    Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 74, S371 (2002).
  8. Scientific article 5988 Ag-induced zero- and one-dimensional nanostructures on vicinal Si(111)
    J. Kuntze, A. Mugarza, and J. E. Ortega
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 2463 (2002).
  9. Scientific article 5989 Spectral migration of excitation energy among Nd3+ ions in fluoroarsenate glasses
    R. Balda, L. M. Lacha, M. A. Arriandiaga, J. Fernandez, and J. L. Adam
    C. R. Chim. 5, 725 (2002).
  10. Scientific article 5990 Mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes: a fiber digest for beginners
    J. P. Salvetat-Delmotte, and A. Rubio
    Carbon 40, 1729 (2002).
  11. Scientific article 5991 Partial structure factors of a simulated polymer melt
    F. Alvarez, A. Arbe, J. Colmenero, R. Zorn, and D. Richter
    Comput. Mater. Sci. 25, 596 (2002).
  12. Scientific article 5992 Excitation energies from time-dependent density-functional formalism for small systems
    F. Aryasetiawan, O. Gunnarsson, and A. Rubio
    Europhys. Lett. 57, 683 (2002).
  13. Scientific article 5993 Low-energy properties of a one-dimensional system of interacting bosons with boundaries
    M. A. Cazalilla
    Europhys. Lett. 59, 793 (2002).
  14. Scientific article 5994 Heterogeneous structure of poly(vinyl chloride) as the origin of anomalous dynamical behavior
    A. Arbe, A. Moral, A. Alegria, J. Colmenero, W. Pyckhout-Hintzen, D. Richter, B. Farago, and B. Frick
    J. Chem. Phys. 117, 1336 (2002).
  15. Scientific article 5995 Vibrational spectroscopy on single C-60 molecules: The role of molecular orientation
    J. I. Pascual, J. Gomez-Herrero, D. Sanchez-Portal, and H. P. Rust
    J. Chem. Phys. 117, 9531 (2002).
  16. Scientific article 5996 Can optical spectroscopy directly elucidate the ground state of C-20?
    A. Castro, M. A. L. Marques, J. A. Alonso, G. F. Bertsch, K. Yabana, and A. Rubio
    J. Chem. Phys. 116, 1930 (2002).
  17. Scientific article 5997 Interaction of molecular and atomic hydrogen with (5,5) and (6,6) single-wall carbon nanotubes
    J. S. Arellano, L. M. Molina, A. Rubio, M. J. Lopez, and J. A. Alonso
    J. Chem. Phys. 117, 2281 (2002).
  18. Scientific article 5998 Image-potential-induced states at metal surfaces
    P. M. Echenique, J. M. Pitarke, E. Chulkov, and V. M. Silkin
    J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 126, 163 (2002).
  19. Scientific article 5999 Photoelectron spectroscopy of atomic wires
    F. J. Himpsel, K. N. Altmann, J. N. Crain, A. Kirakosian, J. L. Lin, and A. Liebsch
    J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 126, 89 (2002).
  20. Scientific article 6000 Development of the scattering theory of X-ray absorption and core level photoemission
    J. J. Rehr, W. Schattke, F. J. G. de Abajo, R. D. Muino, and M. A. Van Hove
    J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 126, 67 (2002).
Las publicaciones de esta lista, en general, incluyen sólo artículos científicos indexados en la collección de Web of Science (WoS), excluyendo abstracts y actas de congresos.