Oral Communication Skills

Sofi Facal and Manuela Bercioux
Skills for Science and Industry
DIPC Donostia
May-June, 2019
This course focused on improving the Oral Communication Skills of our young researchers. The course was taught by Sofi Facal and Manuela Bercioux, founders of Skills for Science and Industry. In this course, students developed skills to prepare and deliver high-quality presentations. In particular, the course focused on the following objectives:
- Prepare and structure a short scientific presentation and develop professional presentation material.
- Learn about different audiences and adapt the presentation, its content and message accordingly.
- Use body language and voice successfully during the presentation.
- Get to know and practice different Stress Management Techniques.
- React professionally to questions and feedback after the presentation.
- Formulate professional Questions in a Q&A Session.
- Write and practice a short topic pitch to shortly summarize your work and gain the listener’s interest.
The course was structured in 4 sessions of around 4 hours, held in the DIPC seminar room.
Due to the hands-on nature of the course, the lectures were limited to 10-15 students. Anyone in the DIPC community could sign-up for the course, but due to the limited space and according to the formational spirit of the program, PhD students had the highest priority based on a first come first served basis, followed by post-docs and independent researchers.