Organizational chart

DIPC is singular in its institutional structure. It is a foundation in which both public institutions and private entities participate and contribute to the funding. DIPC partners are included in the Board of Partners, which is the main governing body of the center. At present, these are:
Public Institutions
Basque Government - University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU - Gipuzkoa Provincial Council - San Sebastian City Council
Private Entities
Kutxa Fundazioa - EDP - Telefónica - CAF
The board of partners delegates the executive power to a team of officers, namely the Direction Board, who are tasked with overseeing the day-to-day operations of the institution. The President of DIPC, Pedro Miguel Echenique, and the Director of DIPC, Ricardo Díez Muiño, jointly design and define the scientific strategies, outreach programs, human resources policies, and administrative management.
In terms of management, DIPC fully changed its internal structure in the last few years, with the aim of improving efficiency, as well as keeping the flexibility that has always characterized the center. There are now four management areas, each led by the corresponding head of area.
Nora Gonzalez Lakunza, Head of Outreach & Communication
Olatz Leis Esnaola, Head of Economics & Finance and R+D+ i Project Management
Txomin Romero Asturiano, Head of Supercomputing Center
Beatriz Suescun Rodríguez, Head of Aministration, Human Resources and Legal Area
Last, but not least, DIPC has an International Scientific Committee (ISC), whose members are elected by the Board of Partners and is chaired by the President of DIPC. The Committee provides scientific advice, helps identify emerging scientific fields, and contributes to the evaluation of the center’s research outputs.