Career development: Take the step from academia to industry

Sofi Facal and Manuela Bercioux
Skills for Science and Industry

DIPC Donostia

June-July, 2020

For many young researchers the knowledge and skills gained during the academia education are the foundation of a successful career in the private sector.

Nevertheless there are several hurdles that can stop young researchers form stepping into industry positions. These challenges range from a simple lack of knowledge of possible job options to practical challenges like how to prepare an appealing industrial resume or how to communicate in a job interview.

This training aimed to aid the participants in overcoming these hurdles. To achieve this, the main focus of
the training was:

  • Broaden the spectrum: Career options for PhDs in industry.
  • Transferable Skills: What are they? How to get them, how to show them?
  • Apply to industry: The resume, letter, and further application documents.
  • The job interview: How to prepare for it and how to succeed.
  • Individual feedback and interview coaching for each participant.
