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409 results: 403 articles and 6 books or book chapters
Last updated: May 06, 2023-
Enhancing violations of Leggett-Garg inequalities in nonequilibrium
correlated many-body systems by interactions and decoherence
J. J. Mendoza-Arenas, F. J. Gomez-Ruiz, F. J. Rodriguez, and L. Quiroga
Sci Rep 9, 17772 (2019). -
Solution blow spinning of polymer/nanocomposite micro-/nanofibers with
tunable diameters and morphologies using a gas dynamic virtual nozzle
R. Vasireddi, J. Kruse, M. Vakili, S. Kulkarni, T. F. Keller, D. C. F. Monteiro, and M. Trebbin
Sci Rep 9, 14297 (2019). -
Peculiar optical properties of bilayer silicene under the influence of
external electric and magnetic fields
Thi-Nga Do , G. Gumbs, P. -H. Shih, D. Huang, C. -W. Chiu, C. -Y. Chen, and M. -F. Lin
Sci Rep 9, 624 (2019). -
Rich Magnetic Quantization Phenomena in AA Bilayer Silicene
P. -H. Shih, Thi-Nga Do , G. Gumbs, D. Huang, Hai Duong Pham , and M. -F. Lin
Sci Rep 9, 14799 (2019). -
Directional sub-femtosecond charge transfer dynamics and the
dimensionality of 1T-TaS2
D. Kuehn, M. Mueller, F. Sorgenfrei, E. Giangrisostomi, R. M. Jay, R. Ovsyannikov, N. Martensson, D. Sanchez-Portal, and A. Foehlisch
Sci Rep 9, 488 (2019). -
Silicic acid: The omniscient molecule
C. Exley, G. Guerriero, and X. Lopez
Sci. Total Environ. 665, 432 (2019). -
Conditions for fully gapped topological superconductivity in topological
insulator nanowires
F. de Juan, J. H. Bardarson, and R. Ilan
SciPost Phys. 6, 060 (2019). -
Atomic-scale spin sensing with a single molecule at the apex of ascanning tunneling microscope
B. Verlhac, N. Bachellier, L. Garnier, M. Ormaza, P. Abufager, R. Robles, M. -L. Bocquet, M. Ternes, N. Lorente, and L. Limot
Science 366, 623+ (2019). -
Scattering of microwaves by a passive array antenna based on amorphous ferromagnetic microwires for wireless sensors with biomedical applications
A. Moya, D. Archilla, E. Navarro, A. Hernando, and P. Marin
Sensors 19, 3060 (2019). -
Isolation of cyclic penta(ethylene oxide) from mixtures with its linear
analog by combining selective intercalation into graphite oxide and
solvent approaches
D. Ruiz, A. Alegria, and F. Barroso-Bujans
Sep. Purif. Technol. 213, 142 (2019). -
Direct Imaging of the Induced-Fit Effect in Molecular Self-Assembly
Z. Yang, C. Lotze, M. Corso, S. Baum, K. J. Franke, and I. Pascual
Small 15, 1804713 (2019). -
Numerical modelling of non-ionic microgels: an overview
L. Rovigatti, N. Gnan, L. Tavagnacco, A. J. Moreno, and E. Zaccarelli
Soft Matter 15, 1108 (2019). -
Pnicogen and tetrel bonds-tetrahedral Lewis acid centres
S. J. Grabowski
Struct. Chem. 30, 1141 (2019). -
Optical Helicity and Optical Chirality in Free Space and in the Presenceof Matter
L. V. Poulikakos, J. A. Dionne, and A. Garcia-Etxarri
Symmetry-Basel 11, 1113 (2019). -
Performance of the NOF-MP2 method in hydrogen abstraction reactions
X. Lopez, and M. Piris
Theor. Chem. Acc. 138, 89 (2019). -
Kinetics of the condensation reaction of urea and furfural in a
heterogeneous phase leading to difurfurylidenetriurea: A calorimetric
A. Martinez Garcia, F. Barroso-Bujans, R. Martinez Sanchez, and L. A. Montero Cabrera
Thermochim. Acta 672, 79 (2019). -
Effect of molecular weight on vitrification kinetics and molecular
mobility of a polymer glass confined at the microscale
X. Monnier, and D. Cangialosi
Thermochim. Acta 677, 60 (2019). -
Electron spill-out effects in plasmon excitations by fast electrons
A. Rivacoba
Ultramicroscopy 207, 112835 (2019). -
Phonon-assisted processes in the ultraviolet-transient optical response
of graphene
D. Novko, and M. Kralj
npj 2D Mater. Appl. 3, 48 (2019). -
Orbital magneto-optical response of periodic insulators from first
I. V. Lebedeva, D. A. Strubbe, I. V. Tokatly, and A. Rubio
npj Comput. Mater. 5, 32 (2019).