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450 results: 450 articles and 0 books or book chapters

Last updated: May 10, 2023
  1. Scientific article 421 Spoof surface plasmon photonics
    F. J. Garcia-Vidal, A. I. Fernandez-Dominguez, L. Martin-Moreno, H. C. Zhang, W. Tang, R. Peng, and T. J. Cui
    Rev. Mod. Phys. 94, 025004 (2022).
  2. Scientific article 422 Engineering quantum states and electronic landscapes through surface molecular nanoarchitectures
    I. Piquero-Zulaica, J. Lobo-Checa, Z. M. Abd El-Fattah, J. Enrique Ortega, F. Klappenberger, W. Auwaerter, and V. Barth
    Rev. Mod. Phys. 94, 045008 (2022).
  3. Scientific article 423 Localization versus delocalization of d-states within the Ni2MnGa
    J. Janovec, M. Zeleny, O. Heczko, and A. Ayuela
    Sci Rep 12, 20577 (2022).
  4. Scientific article 424 Electron microscopy and calorimetry of proteins in supercooled water
    J. H. Melillo, E. Nikulina, M. A. Iriarte-Alonso, S. Cerveny, and A. M. Bittner
    Sci Rep 12, 16512 (2022).
  5. Scientific article 425 Tailoring magnetism in silicon-doped zigzag graphene edges
    A. Ugartemendia, A. Garcia-Lekue, and E. Jimenez-Izal
    Sci Rep 12, 13032 (2022).
  6. Scientific article 426 Negative reflection of nanoscale-confined polaritons in a low-loss natural medium
    G. Alvarez-Perez, J. Duan, J. Taboada-Gutierrez, Q. Ou, E. Nikulina, S. Liu, J. H. Edgar, Q. Bao, V. Giannini, R. Hillenbrand, J. Martin-Sanchez, A. Y. Nikitin, and P. Alonso-Gonzalez
    Sci. Adv. 8, eabp8486 (2022).
  7. Scientific article 427 Bacterial biofilms on medical masks disposed in the marine environment: a hotspot of biological and functional diversity
    F. Crisafi, F. Smedile, M. M. Yakimov, F. Aulenta, S. Fazi, V. La Cono, A. Martinelli, V. Di Lisio, and R. Denaro
    Sci. Total Environ. 837, 155731 (2022).
  8. Scientific article 428 Manifold curvature and Ehrenfest forces with a moving basis
    J. F. K. Halliday, and E. Artacho
    SciPost Phys. 12, 020 (2022).
  9. Scientific article 429 Fingerprints of hot-phonon physics in time-resolved correlated quantum lattice dynamics
    E. Cappelluti, and D. Novko
    SciPost Phys. 12, 173 (2022).
  10. Scientific article 430 Assessing the role of interatomic position matrix elements in tight-binding calculations of optical properties
    J. Ibanez-Ibanez, F. de Juan, and I. Souza
    SciPost Phys. 12, 070 (2022).
  11. Scientific article 431 Landau levels in curved space realized in strained graphene
    G. Wagner, F. de Juan, and D. X. Nguyen
    SciPost Phys. Core 5, 029 (2022).
  12. Scientific article 432 All topological bands of all nonmagnetic stoichiometric materials
    M. G. Vergniory, B. J. Wieder, L. Elcoro, S. S. P. Parkin, C. Felser, B. A. Bernevig, and N. Regnault
    Science 376, 816+ (2022).
  13. Scientific article 433 Ultrahard magnetism from mixed-valence dilanthanide complexes with metal-metal bonding
    C. A. Gould, K. R. McClain, D. Reta, J. G. C. Kragskow, D. A. Marchiori, E. Lachman, E. -S. Choi, J. G. Analytis, R. D. Britt, N. F. Chilton, B. G. Harvey, and J. R. Long
    Science 375, 198+ (2022).
  14. Scientific article 434 Study of an Energy-Harvesting Damper Based on Magnetic Interaction
    S. Aberturas, A. Hernando, J. Luis Olazagoitia, and M. Angel Garcia
    Sensors 22, 7865 (2022).
  15. Scientific article 435 A Comparative Analysis of Human Behavior Prediction Approaches in Intelligent Environments
    A. Almeida, U. Bermejo, A. Bilbao, G. Azkune, U. Aguilera, M. Emaldi, F. Dornaika, and I. Arganda-Carreras
    Sensors 22, 701 (2022).
  16. Scientific article 436 Data Compression in the NEXT-100 Data Acquisition System
    R. Esteve Bosch, J. Rodriguez Ponce, A. Simon Estevez, J. M. Benlloch Rodriguez, V. Herrero Bosch, and J. F. Toledo Alarcon
    Sensors 22, 5197 (2022).
  17. Scientific article 437 X-Ray photon correlation spectroscopy towards measuring nanoparticle diameters in biological environments allowing for the in situ analysis of their bio-nano interface
    F. Otto, , X. Sun, F. Schulz, C. Sanchez-Cano, N. Feliu, F. Westermeier, and W. J. Parak
    Small 18, 2201324 (2022).
  18. Scientific article 438 Probing the Effect of Rigidity on the Cellular Uptake of Core-Shell Nanoparticles: Stiffness Effects are Size Dependent
    P. Gurnani, C. Sanchez-Cano, H. Xandri-Monje, J. Zhang, S. H. Ellacott, E. D. H. Mansfield, M. Hartlieb, R. Dallmann, and S. Perrier
    Small 18, 2203070 (2022).
  19. Scientific article 439 Physical aging of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose acetate succinate via enthalpy recovery
    Y. Seo, B. Zuo, D. Cangialosi, and R. D. Priestley
    Soft Matter 18, 8331 (2022).
  20. Scientific article 440 Structural instability at the In-terminated surface of the heavy-fermion superconductor CeIrIn5
    A. V. Tarasov, M. Mende, K. Ali, G. Poelchen, S. Schulz, O. Y. Vilkov, K. A. Bokai, M. Muntwiler, V. Mandic, C. Laubschat, K. Kliemt, C. Krellner, D. V. Vyalikh, and D. Y. Usachov
    Surf. Interfaces 32, 102126 (2022).
Publications on this list, in general, only include scientific articles indexed in the main collection of the Web of Science (WoS), excluding abstracts and conference proceedings.