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6404 results: 6364 articles and 40 books or book chapters
Last updated: Jan 03, 2025-
Metallic slabs: perturbative treatments based on jellium
C. Fiolhais, C. Henriques, I. Sarria, and J. M. Pitarke
Prog. Surf. Sci. 67, 285 (2001). -
Magnetoelastic sensor based on GMI of amorphous microwire
A. F. Cobeno, A. Zhukov, J. M. Blanco, V. Larin, and J. Gonzalez
Sens. Actuator A-Phys. 91, 95 (2001). -
Probing unoccupied bulk bands via the cross section of quantum well
states in thin films
A. Mugarza, J. E. Ortega, A. Mascaraque, E. G. Michel, K. N. Altmann, and F. J. Himpsel
Surf. Sci. 482, 464 (2001). -
Quasiparticle dynamics on metal surfaces
E. V. Chulkov, V. M. Silkin, and M. Machado
Surf. Sci. 482, 693 (2001). -
Transition from terrace to step modulation in the surface state wave
function at vicinal Cu(111)
J. E. Ortega, A. Mugarza, A. Narmann, A. Rubio, S. Speller, A. R. Bachmann, J. Lobo, E. G. Michel, and F. J. Himpsel
Surf. Sci. 482, 764 (2001). -
Influence of tip geometry in light emission from the scanning tunnelling
G. Hoffmann, J. Aizpurua, P. Apell, and R. Berndt
Surf. Sci. 482, 1159 (2001). -
Inverse lifetime of the surface and image states on Au(111)
E. V. Chulkov, M. Machado, and V. M. Silkin
Vacuum 61, 95 (2001). -
Methyl group dynamics in glassy polymers by neutron scattering: from classical to quantum motions
J. Colmenero, and A. Alegria
Advanced Functional Molecules and Polymer, Vol 2, edited by H. S. Nalwa
pp. 271-294 (Gordon and breach science publ, Amsterdam, Netherlands 2001). -
Self-energy and inelastic lifetimes of surface-state electrons and holes
in metals
P. M. Echenique, J. Osma, V. M. Silkin, E. V. Chulkov, and J. M. Pitarke
Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 71, 503 (2000). -
Photoelectron diffraction at the surface of amorphous carbon nitride
J. M. Ripalda, F. J. G. de Abajo, I. Montero, L. Galan, and M. A. Van Hove
Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 3394 (2000). -
Secondary Relaxation in glass forming systems
D. Gomez, A. Alegria, and J. Colmenero
Bol. Soc. Esp. Ceram. Vidr. 39, 371 (2000). -
Methyl group dynamics above the glass transition temperature: amolecular dynamics simulation in polyisoprene
F. Alvarez, A. Arbe, and J. Colmenero
Chem. Phys. 261, 47 (2000). -
Theory of inelastic lifetimes of low-energy electrons in metals
P. M. Echenique, J. M. Pitarke, E. V. Chulkov, and A. Rubio
Chem. Phys. 251, 1 (2000). -
Progress in scanning probe microscopy: High resolution force microscopy
and spectroscopy
R. Erlandsson, and P. Apell
Curr. Sci. 78, 1445 (2000). -
A mechanism for cutting carbon nanotubes with a scanning tunneling
A. Rubio, S. P. Apell, L. C. Venema, and C. Dekker
Eur. Phys. J. B 17, 301 (2000). -
Effect of heat treatment on impedance behavior in nearly-zero
magnetostriction (Co0.95Fe0.05)(72.5)Si12.5B15 amorphous wire
J. M. Blanco, A. Zhukov, A. F. Cobeno, A. P. Chen, and J. Gonzalez
IEEE Trans. Magn. 36, 2879 (2000). -
High coercivity of partially devitrified glass-coated finemet
microwires: Effect of geometry and thermal treatment
J. Gonzalez, A. Zhukov, V. Zhukova, A. F. Cobeno, J. M. Blanco, A. R. de Arellano-Lopez, S. Lopez-Pombero, J. Martinez-Fernandez, V. Larin, and A. Torcunov
IEEE Trans. Magn. 36, 3015 (2000). -
Molecular shape, capacitance, and chemical hardness
J. R. Sabin, S. B. Trickey, S. P. Apell, and J. Oddershede
Int. J. Quantum Chem. 77, 358 (2000). -
Giant magneto-impedance in heterogeneous microwires
M. Vazquez, J. M. Garcia-Beneytez, J. M. Garcia, J. P. Sinnecker, and A. P. Zhukov
J. Appl. Phys. 88, 6501 (2000). -
Stress induced magnetic anisotropy and coercivity in
Fe73.5Cu1Ta3Si13.5B9 amorphous alloy
C. Miguel, N. Murillo, and J. Gonzalez
J. Appl. Phys. 88, 6623 (2000).