Maciej Lewenstein: The coming decades of quantum simulators


Maciej Lewenstein
ICFO, Mediterranean Technology Park, 08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain
DIPC Seminar room
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Maciej Lewenstein: The coming decades of quantum simulators

Contemporary quantum technologies face major difficulties in fault tolerant quantum computing with error correction, and focus instead on various shades of quantum simulation (Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum, NISQ) devices, analogue and digital quantum simulators and quantum annealers. There is a clear need and quest for such systems that, without necessarily simulating quantum dynamics of some physical systems, can generate massive, controllable, robust, entangled, and superposition states. This will, in particular, allow the control of decoherence, enabling the use of these states for quantum communications (e.g. to achieve efficient transfer of information in a safer and quicker way), quantum metrology, sensing and diagnostics (e.g. to precisely measure phase shifts of light fields, or to diagnose quantum materials). In this Colloquium we present a vision of the golden future of quantum simulators in the decades to come.

About the speaker

Maciej LEWENSTEIN graduated from Warsaw University in 1978 and obtained his PhD at the University of Essen (Germany) in 1983. He then was postdoc at Harvard University with Roy J. Glauber and became professor at the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw), at the CEA in Paris Saclay, and at the University of Hannover. In 2005 he was appointed ICREA Research Professor at the Institut de Ciències Fotòniques (ICFO) where he leads the quantum optics theory group.

He has made important contributions to a broad range of fields, including quantum optics, quantum information, many-body theory, attosecond science, and statistical physics.

Lewenstein has received many national and international prizes, including the Prize of Fundacja Nauki Polskiej, the EPS Quantum Optics and Electronic Prize, and the Willis Lamb Prize. He is a foreign member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and a member of the Academia Europea.

He is the recipient of 3 ERC Advanced Grants, and a Highly Cited Researcher for seven consecutive years 2014-2020.

Prof. Lewenstein's web page
Wikipedia article