Dynamical Mean-Field Theory

Dr. David Jacob
Ikerbasque Fellow (Donostia-San Sebastián)
DIPC seminar room
November-December, 2018
With almost 30 years of existence, Dynamical Mean-Field theory (DMFT) is becoming a standard to go beyond Density Functional Theory in the systems where mean-field theory fails. Typical systems involve correlated centers that need some strongly-correlation treatment. DMFT uses a mapping into the Anderson impurity model, solving a Kondo problem and then modifies the mean-field solution of the non-correlated part by suitable self-energies that take into account the correlation.
Dr. David Jacob is an expert in the Kondo problem and in DMFT. He teaches the strongly-correlated problem in electronic structure calculations, DMFT and the limitations of DMFT.
The course consisted of four lectures of 90 minutes each, held in the DIPC seminar room:
- Motivation: Understanding the Mott Metal-Insulator transition; The Hubbard model: Mean-Field solution; Gutzwiller Method.
- Dynamical Mean-Field Theory: the limit of infinite dimensions; DMFT in finite dimensions.
- Impurity solvers: NCA/OCA; Overview over other solvers.
- Failure of DMFT in low dimensions; Extensions of DMFT: Cluster DMFT; Dynamical Cluster Approximation.