Innovations in Spintronics, quantum technologies and advanced electronics

Stephan Roche
Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (ICN2), Barcelona, Spain

DIPC seminar room

9, 11, 16, 18 of July 2024, 11h30 – 12h30



This DIPC course is composed of 4 lectures.

Lecture 1: Ten Years of 2D Materials based Spintronics Research: Highlights and Future

Objective: present an historical perspective of why graphene and other two-dimensional materials have been anticipated as enabling materials to revolutionize the transfer, storage, and processing of spin information in the context of spintronic applications.  This bird view will emphasize the various milestones unique capability of these materials for manipulating spin degree of freedom at room temperature and over unprecedented length scales. Beyond the efforts to move from lab to fab and the current state-of-the-art in the research at high technology readiness level, the prospect for spin logics or other spin-dependent technologies will be also addressed.

Lecture 2: Linear scaling quantum transport methodologies applied to Topological Matter

Objective: This lecture will introduce linear scaling transport methodologies which are the only possible tool giving access to complex quantum transport physics in realistic models of disordered systems contained up to a billion atoms. By connecting DFT approaches to tight-binding parametrization, the elaborate models can capture both perturbative and nonperturbative effects of a variety of disorder sources, and give access to resonant transport, weak (anti)-localization, strong localization regimes as well as topological phenomena (quantum Hall effects and so on). The combination of bulk with multiterminal transport approaches will be also shown key to solve controversial claims of topological physics in nontrivial heterostructures.

Lecture 3: Topological Spin Transport & Entanglement in Quantum Materials

Objective: We will present spin transport phenomena related with the emergence of nontrivial spin textures in topological materials with low symmetries. We will show that persistence spin textures result in canted spin Hall and canted Quantum spin Hall effects in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), offering a novel platform for manipulating spin degree of freedom in topological phases, opening some road to topological spintronics. The spin-orbit torque phenomenon will be also discussed in Janus TMDs, with theoretical predictions showing unprecedented performances.

Lecture 4: Exploring properties and applications of amorphous 2D materials using Artificial Intelligence

Objective: Here, we will focus on the presentation of machine-learning based models of amorphous materials, which enable the access to quantitative predictions of their properties. Contrary to what one could expect at first sight, amorphous materials are offering novel types of improvement of a variety of properties for coating applications (anticorrosion, barrier to migration), interconnects (ultralow dielectric coefficient) or neuromorphic computing (memristive devices). Artificial Intelligence will be shown to be key for future breakthroughs in these fields.


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