Lesson 2: Linear scaling quantum transport methodologies applied to Topological Matter


Stephan Roche
Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (ICN2), Barcelona, Spain
DIPC seminar room
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Lesson 2: Linear scaling quantum transport methodologies  applied to Topological Matter

I will present the frame of efficient linear scaling transport methodologies (www.lsquant.org) which enable the simulation of realistic (three-dimensional) models of topological matter including the presence of disorder [1,2] and recently extended to other non-equilibrium regimes (hot electrons and energy dissipation).

I will illustrate the use of these approaches in various situations, focusing on spin transport properties in two-dimensional materials, topological insulators and van der Waals heterostructures. We will particularly review the initial claims of giant spin Hall effect in graphene-based devices and the upper limit that could be achieved by proximitized graphene with strong spin-orbit coupling materials. The combination of bulk-like approaches (Kubo formalism) and multiterminal transport methods (as for instance implemented within Kwant) will be shown essential to explore topological effects in complex disordered materials, and avoid ambiguous or misleading interpretations.


  1. Fan et al. “Linear scaling quantum transport methodologies”, Physics Reports 903, 1-69 (2021), see www.lsquant.org
  2. Giustino et al. The 2020 Quantum Materials Roadmap, J. Phys. Mater. 3 042006 (2020)