Topological Matter School 2019, TMS19


2019/08/19 - 2019/08/23
Miramar Palace, Donostia-San Sebastián
Maia García Vergniory, M. Reyes Calvo, Fernando de Juan, Adolfo Grushin, Barry Bradlyn, Erwan Bocquillon
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Topological Matter School 2019, TMS19

The general aim of this one-week school is a meeting targeting young researchers, as master and graduate students, for introducing the participants to the young field of topological states of matter as well as the latest advances. The main goal is to cover basic and advanced aspects of the field, including the so interesting long range strong topological interactions. In this sense, we will cover

- Topological classification
- Topological Quantum Chemistry and the symmetry indicators
- Experimental techniques such as growth, transport measurements and ARPES
- Long range strong interactions such as Fractional Quantum Hall Effect, including theoretical lectures and talk about the main experiments.

After school there will be an optional course to give the opportunity to students to get in touch with Machine Learning in Condensed Matter Physics.

More information is available on the school web page: