Machine Learning in Condensed Matter Physics


2019/08/26 - 2019/08/28
Donostia - San Sebastian
Maia G. Vergniory, Fernando de Juan, Reyes Calvo, Adolfo G. Grushin, Iñigo Aldazabal
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Machine Learning in Condensed Matter Physics

The Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) is organizing the Machine Learning in Condensed Matter Physics course on 26-28 August 2019. This 3 days course will cover the role and application of machine learning in condensed matter physics. In particular we will study machine learning techniques for studying classical and quantum many-body problems encountered in condensed matter, quantum information, and related fields of physics.

Lectures, given by world leaders researchers on the topic, will emphasize relations between statistical physics and machine learning and will include slides, blackboard and hands-on code demonstrations using Julia and Python together with TensorFlow and PyTorch libraries.

Attendants are expected to bring their own laptops with a pre-configured environment (specific instructions will be given).

This course is a satellite event to the Topological Matter School 2019, due on August 19-23 2019, and also organized by the DIPC as part of the University Of the Basque Country Summer Courses.


More information is available on the school web page: