Advanced School on Quantum Transport Using SIESTA


2021/05/17 - 2021/05/21
Zeila Zanolli (Utrecht University), Simona Achilli (University of Milan), Mads Brandbyge (Technical University of Denmark), Thomas Frederiksen (DIPC, Ikerbasque), Pablo Ordejon (Institut Català de Nanociéncia i Nanotecnologia - ICN2), Nick Papior (Technical University of Denmark)
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Advanced School on Quantum Transport Using SIESTA


The school will take place from May 17, 2021 - May 21, 2021 as a virtual event hosted by the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC).

The “Advanced school on Quantum Transport using SIESTA” will focus on the field of theoretical condensed matter electronic transport exploiting the non-equilibrium Green’s function approach.

The program will offer technical online sessions regarding the recent improvements in transport theory, the usage of advanced features of SIESTA/TBTrans tools and of the python framework SISL.

The school will also cover a list of hot topics presented by expert lecturers, showing the application of electron transport calculation to electrochemistry, topological materials, strongly correlated systems etc. The detailed program is available in the webpage.

Moreover, the participants are encouraged to submit, up to one month before the school via a GitHub repository, a specific issue or system of their interest. Three topics will be selected and addressed in detail during the last day of the school.

The registration is possible through the CECAM webpage:

Participants are required to have a pre-existing background in DFT methods, including experience in running first principles simulations.

There is no registration fee.

The organisers: Zeila Zanolli (ICN2) – Simona Achilli (ICN2) – Pablo Ordejon (ICN2) – Nick R. Papior (DTU) - Mads Brandbyge (DTU) - Thomas Frederiksen (DIPC)