Frontiers of Condensed Matter


2014/08/25 - 2014/09/04
Palacio Miramar, Donostia - San Sebastián
Jan van Ruitenbeek (U. Leiden, Netherlands), Frank Hekking (CNRS, France), Julia Meyer (U. Grenoble, France), Sebastian Bergeret (DIPC, Spain)
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Frontiers of Condensed Matter

San Sebastián - Donostia, 25th August-4th September

This DIPC summer school aims at offering Master and Ph.D students a training programme in the area of Condensed Matter Physics. It is organized jointly by the Materials Physics Center CFM-CSIC (Spain),  Ecole Doctorale de Physique de Grenoble (France), the Casimir Research School Delft-Leiden (Netherlands), and the Ecole Doctorale de Physique et d`Astrophysique (PHAST), Lyon (France). 

The courses will be complemented by more specialized research seminars on timely topics.

During the school, there will be plenty of time for informal discussions between participants and lecturers. A poster session will be organized. The school can host 60 participants, (including lecturers - limited by the size of the lecture hall), and is intended for experimentalists and theoreticians.



L. Di Carlo (TU Delft) Quantum Information
A. Levy Yeyati (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) Superconducting point-contacts
J. Meyer (U. Grenoble) Topological Phases
Y. Nazarov (TU Delft) Quantum Transport
F. Pistolesi (U. Bordeaux) Nanomechanics
J. Zaanen (U. Leiden) Strongly-correlated Systems  


J. Aizpurua (CFM, San Sebastian)
S. Bergeret (CFM, San Sebastian)
P. Brouwer (Freie Universität Berlin)
F. Hekking (U. Grenoble)
T. Klapwijk (TU Delft)
L. Kouwenhoven (TU Delft)
T. Meunier (U. Grenoble)
I. Pascual (Nanogune)
J. Van Ruitenbeek (U. Leiden) 
V. Vitelli (U. Leiden)  


Jan van Ruitenbeek (U. Leiden)
Frank Hekking (U. Grenoble)
Julia Meyer (U. Grenoble)
Sebastian Bergeret (CFM-DIPC)
Francisco López Gejo (CFM)

School Program

Poster Session

Lectures and Seminars

Have a look in the photo album of the congress "Frontiers of Condensed Matter" and the TV reportage in Spanish and Basque language.