Confinement: Universal aspects in Soft Matter


2006/12/12 - 2006/12/13
Donostia - San Sebastian
Prof. J. Colmenero
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Confinement: Universal aspects in Soft Matter

The ubiquitous emergence of confinement effects in soft matter composites (polymer blends, polymers with clays, surfactants, membranes, biomaterials,...) reveals this phenomenon as universal in such systems. It is in the spirit of our SoftComp network to identify common subjects of interest. In this workshop we shall seek the common features of confinement throughout the different systems considered as soft matter composites. With these ideas in mind, we invite all the SoftComp members to participate at the workshop "Confinement. Universal aspects in soft matter". Bringing together experts from the different areas, we will try to extract the essential universal effects of confinement, which will set a solid basis to model this phenomenon in the future. This is our first attempt to set an inter-area horizontal activity.

Materialen Fisika Zentroa
Facultad de Químicas
Pº Manuel de Lardizabal 3
20.018 Donostia - San Sebastián
Tel. + 34 943 01 59 64
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