11th Capri Spring School on Transport in Nanostructures 2015
- When
- 2015/04/12 - 2015/04/19
- Place
- Villa Orlandi on the Isola di Capri, Italy
- Organizers
- Dario Bercioux, Alessandro De Martino, Reinhold Egger, Hermann Grabert, Christian Schönenberger and Arturo Tagliacozzo
- Add to calendar

This one week spring school will provide several three to four hour lectures by leading experts supplemented by a few shorter seminars. The year 2015 school will address topological superconductivity. The speakers will give graduate level presentations introducing to state-of-the-art methods and techniques featuring the key issues of the field of topological superconductivity. While the school is primarily aimed at instructing PhD students and young postdoctoral researchers, more senior scientists who want to acquaint themselves with the subject of the school are also welcome.
Keynote Speakers:
Yoichi Ando (Osaka)
Liang Fu (MIT)
Moty Heiblum (Weizmann)
Tony Leggett (Urbana)
Andreas Schnyder (MPI Stuttgart)
Björn Trauzettel (Würzburg)
The school comprises five working days (April 13 - 17). The registration fee of 890 Euro includes accommodation in a double room for seven nights from Sunday till Sunday; five dinners, starting with a welcome dinner on Sunday, twice daily coffee breaks at Villa Orlandi and the excursion to Amalfi with lunch at Ravello, if weather permit.
Single room accommodation is possible at a surcharge of 340 Euro.
Accompanying persons in a shared double room can be accommodated for a rate of 500 Euro (this covers accommodation for seven nights and five dinners and the excursion).
Registration deadline: December 10, 2014. You can find more information at the school web-site: www.capri-school.eu.