Summer School "Frontiers of Condensed Matter 2015"


2015/08/31 - 2015/09/11
Les Houches (France)
S. Bergeret (San Sebastian), F. Hekking (Grenoble), J. Meyer (Grenoble) and J. van Ruitenbeek (Leiden)
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Summer School "Frontiers of Condensed Matter 2015"

This doctoral training session is organized jointly by the Physics Graduate School of Grenoble, by the Casimir Research School of Delft – Leiden (Netherlands) and the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) of San Sebastian (Spain). It aims at offering final year Master students and junior Ph.D-students (1st/2nd year) a high-level training programme in the general area of condensed matter physics.

The session consists of a series of pedagogical lectures, complemented by more specialized research seminars on timely topics.
During the session, there will be plenty of time for informal discussions between participants and lecturers. A poster session will be organized, including a short oral presentation at the beginning of the session enabling the participants to present their research interests to each other.

The session can host 70 participants, (limited by the size of the lecture Hall), and is intended for experimentalists and theoreticians.

Lecturers & topics
S. Bergeret (San Sebastian), Spin-dependent transport in hybrid systems
J. Meyer (Grenoble), Topological phases
Yu. Nazarov (Delft & Grenoble), Quantum Transport
J. Pekola (Aalto & Grenoble), Quantum thermodynamics
F. Pistolesi (Bordeaux), Nanomechanics
L. Fritz (Utrecht), Strongly correlated systems

Confirmed seminar speakers
D. Basko (Grenoble)
C. Bäuerle (Grenoble)
P. Brouwer (Berlin)
F. Giazotto (Pisa)
R. Hanson (Delft)*
F. Hekking (Grenoble)
J. van Ruitenbeek (Leiden)
V. Vitelli (Leiden)

*To be confirmed.

Practical information
Students will be lodged at the Les Houches Physics Center for the duration of the school. Arrivals should be planned for August 31, departures for September 11. The cost of the session including meals and accommodation is 650 €, to be paid directly upon arrival at the Les Houches Center.

How to apply
Fill out the application form and send it, together with a cv, a motivation letter and a letter of recommendation from your supervisor, to

Deadline : June 19, 2015. Acceptance will be notified by e-mail by the end of June

For further information, please write to:

Organizing committe
S. Bergeret (San Sebastian)
F. Hekking (Grenoble)
J. Meyer (Grenoble)
J. van Ruitenbeek (Leiden)

For the most updated information, please check the school web-site: