JCNS Workshop 2015: Neutron Scattering on Nano-Structured Soft Matter: Synthetic- and Bio-Materials


2015/10/05 - 2015/10/08
Tutzing, Germany
Dieter Richter and Juan Colmenero
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JCNS Workshop 2015: Neutron Scattering on Nano-Structured Soft Matter: Synthetic- and Bio-Materials

In the tradition of the annual international JCNS workshops the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) and the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) will jointly organize the workshop in 2015.

Neutrons are a key probe providing deep insight into the structure and dynamics and thus in the functioning of synthetic and living soft matter. The workshop will discuss the current status, future trends and opportunities of neutron scattering also in combination with simulations.

The topics addressed are:
• Functional Polymers
• Soft Matter out of Equilibrium
• Nano-Composites and Confinement
• Nanostructured Complex Fluids
• Membranes and Proteins
• Soft Matter Materials for Energy Devices

All topics will be covered by distinguished invited speakers.

Confirmed invited speakers:
• Arantxa Arbe (DIPC)
• Lise Arleth (University of Copenhagen)
• Deborah Berti (University of Florence)
• Joao Cabral (Imperial College London)
• Stefan Egelhaaf (University of Düsseldorf)
• Hitoshi Endo (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
• Thomas Hellweg (University of Bielefeld)
• John Katsaras (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
• Reidar Lund (University of Oslo)
• Angel J. Moreno (DIPC)
• Kell Mortensen (University of Copenhagen)
• Peter Müller-Buschbaum (TUM)
• Julian Oberdisse (Université Montpellier 2)
• Andrew Parnell (University of Sheffield)
• Wolfgang Paul (University of Halle)
• Wim Pyckhout-Hintzen (JCNS)
• Frank Schreiber (University of Tübingen)
• Peter Schurtenberger (Lund University)
• Sebastian Seiffert (HZB)
• Mitsuhiro Shibayama (University of Tokyo)
• Karen Winey (University of Pennsylvania)

In this context oral as well as poster contributions on synthetic as well as on bio-materials are welcome.

Call for Papers:
Contributions dealing with the topics of the workshop to be presented as oral or poster presentation are requested. To present your work, please submit an abstract headed by title, name(s) and complete address(es) of the author(s) as Word-File via the JCNS web page.


At the webpage a template can be downloaded. Please indicate the author who will present the paper.

Submission of abstracts: 15 June 2015
Notification of acceptance: 1 July, 2015
Final registration: 1 September, 2015
Payment: 15 September, 2015

Location and Accommodation:
Conference center of the Evangelische Akademie Tutzing at lake Starnberg in the area south of Munich.

Attendees will be accommodated on-site at the Conference Center in Tutzing. Single and double rooms are available. if the number of attendees may exceed the available number of rooms, equivalent accommodation in nearby hotels in Tutzing will be organized.

Workshop Fee:
Full fee: 480 EUR (19% VAT included)
Students: 300 EUR (19% VAT included)
The workshop fee includes full lodging (3 nights) and board at the Conference Center, workshop dinner and excursion.
Workshop fee without accommodation : 300 EUR (19% VAT included).

Registration and Payment:
Please download and fill in the registration form.

The payment deadline is 15 September, 2015
No cash payments are accepted.
Detailed information on how to pay will be sent out along with the invoice once an oral or poster presentation has been accepted. The invoices contain the information provided in the registration form.
Applicants who indicated their intention to pay by credit card will receive an e-mail with their invoice which includes a link to all relevant payment instructions.

For more information about the workshop please visit www.fz-juelich.de/jcns/JCNS-Workshop2015
or contact jcns-workshop@fz-juelich.de

Funding by SoftComp, ESMI, DIPC and the Forschungszentrum Jülich is gratefully acknowledged.