Physis Kai Polis. XII International Ontology Congress


2016/10/03 - 2016/10/07
San Sebastian - 10-11, 2016 October. Barcelona
Universitàt Autonoma de Barcelona, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU), Museo Chillida Leku and Paideia Galiza Fundación
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Physis Kai Polis. XII International Ontology Congress

In close collaboration with Donostia-San Sebastian European Capital of Culture 2016, the International Ontology Congress, whose biennial editions have been sponsored by UNESCO, will focus its 2016 edition on reflecting on the relationship between Physis and Polis, a tribute to Aristotle in the 24th centenary of its birth and in the evocation of the dual project that summarizes Greek thought.

Pedro Miguel Echenique, president of DIPC, will be the honorary president of this new edition of the International Ontology Congress which will bring together eminent public figures from both the worlds of philosophy and of science.

The conference will take place in two cities: Donostia - San Sebastian between the 3-7 October and Barcelona the 10-11 October. The Faculty of Philosophy and Education (UPV/EHU) will be the main venue in San Sebastian.