Software Carpentry
- When
- 2018/12/05 - 2018/12/19
- Place
- CFM - Computer Room, Donostia-San Sebastián
- Organizers
- CFM and DIPC
- Add to calendar

Did you ever have to deal with hundreds or thousands of measurement or simulation files and didn`t know how? Have you ever wanted to automatize a routinary data analysis task? Perhaps generate plots for many files automatically? and put them later in a pdf report? or setting up a webpage with them? Do you "version" your papers with paper-v1.tex, paper-v2.tex,..., paper-final.tex,... , paper-final-final.tex,...? Do you use MATLAB for doing a numerical integration, or perhaps a FFT, over some data arrays? Or for fitting your data to a model equation?
The Materials Physics Center (CFM) is organising, with the collaboration of DIPC, a Software Carpentry Workshop to be held in the CFM along December 2018.
Software Carpentry mission is to help scientists and engineers get more research done in less time and with less pain by teaching them basic lab skills for scientific computing. This hands-on workshop will cover:
- an introduction to shell scripting (Diego Lasa, DIPC) and
- the popular software version control system `git´ (Inigo Aldazabal, CFM) and also
- an introduction to the Python programming language (David de Sancho and Sofia Sanz, DIPC) and
- a walkthrough over a typical (physics) data analysis workflow using some of its scientific and numerical libraries (Inigo Aldazabal, CFM).
A little bit of computer knowledge is helpful but essentially these are basic introductions.
The typical two-and-a-half days workshop will this time be split in 5 morning sessions along a few weeks in order to ease the assistance. These sessions will be repeated after Christmas should enough demand be detected, so don`t worry if you can`t attend now.
The workshop is aimed to all CFM and DIPC research staff, as well as technicians, and by no means is only of interest to the theoretical people. People from other communities are welcome to attend, subject to seat availability.
You can find more information, as well as the registration instructions at the workshop webpage: