Frontiers of Condensed Matter


2019/09/16 - 2019/09/27
Les Houches
Sebastien Bergeret, Julia Meyer, Tjerk Oosterkamp and Jörg Schmalian
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Frontiers of Condensed Matter

The 7th International Doctoral Training Session "Frontiers of Condensed Matter" will take place in Les Houches, Sep 16-27, 2019.

This session is organized jointly by the Physics Graduate School of Grenoble, by the Casimir Research School of Delft-Leiden (Netherlands), the Donostia International Physics Center in San Sebastian (Spain), and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany). It aims at offering final year Master students and junior PhD-students (1st/2nd year) a high-level training program in the general area of condensed matter physics.

The session will consist of lectures series on the following topics:

  • Quantum transport - Y. Nazarov (Delft, Netherlands)
  • Topological phases - M. Houzet (Grenoble, France)
  • Quantum information - R. Orus (San Sebastian, Spain)
  • Nanomagnetism - W. Wernsdorfer (Karlsruhe, Germany)
  • Quantum thermodynamics - J. Pekola (Aalto, Finland)
  • Strongly correlated systems - L. Fritz (Utrecht, Netherlands)

complemented by more specialized pedagogical seminars on timely topics, poster sessions, and discussion forums.

Confirmed seminar speakers: Hélène Bouchiat (Paris, France), Pierre Delplace (Lyon, France), Matthieu Le Tacon (Karlsruhe, Germany), Nicolas Roch (Grenobel, France), Felix von Oppen (Berlin, Germany)

Sebastien Bergeret - DIPC, CFM/CSIC (Spain)
Julia Meyer - Université Grenoble Alpes (France)
Tjerk Oosterkamp - Leiden Institute of Physics (Netherlands)
Jörg Schmalian - KIT (Germany)

More information and registration is available on the workshop webpage: