International Conference on Reduced Density Matrix Theory for Quantum Many-Fermion Systems (RDM2022)
- When
- 2022/06/15 - 2022/06/17
- Place
- Miramar Palace, Donostia / San Sebastián
- Organizers
- Organized by: Prof. Mario Piris (DIPC, UPV/EHU, Ikerbasque), Prof. David A. Mazziotti (University of Chicago), Dr. Christian Schilling (LMU Munich)
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The interdisciplinary RDM2022 brings together experts from the quantum sciences, particularly quantum chemistry and quantum information theory to elaborate on conceptual aspects of interacting quantum many-fermion systems. Topics will explore the theory and applications of both ground and excited states as well as time-dependent processes. The conference comprises the following connected thematic blocks:
1. Geometry of RDMs & Concept of fermionic correlation and entanglement.
2. 1- and 2-body N-representability Problem.
3. 1-RDM and 2-RDM Functional Theories.
4. Excited States and Time-Evolution.
More information is available on the workshop web page: