Workshop on "Bio-Inspired Photonic Structures"
- When
- 2009/07/09 - 2009/07/15
- Place
- Miramar Palace in Donostia-San Sebastian, main venue of the Summer Courses of the University of the Basque (UPV/EHU)
- Organizers
- Organized by DIPC (Javier Aizpurua and Pedro M. Echenique), and University of Namur (Jean Paul Vigneron and Amand Lucas)
- Add to calendar

Photonic Science and Engineering in the Living and Artificial Worlds
Scientific Director: Jean-Pol Vigneron, University of Namur, Belgium
Host Institute: Donostia International Physics Center DIPC, and Summer Courses of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Sponsoring Institutes: University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), European Science Foundation (ESF), Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC).
Organising Committee: Pedro Miguel Echenique, Donostia-San Sebastián; Amand Lucas, Namur, Belgium; Giorgio Benedek, Milano, Italy; Javier Aizpurua, CFM, Donostia-San Sebastián.
This meeting, simultaneously a workshop and a summer school, will include tutorials and research seminars on the biological and physical aspects of photonic structures. It will be organized in the splendid venue of the San Sebastian historic Miramar Palace. Established researchers and students from physics, chemistry, biology and engineering with a strong interest for interdisciplinary collaboration, are welcome to apply for participation. The workshop is intended for about 80 participants, including speakers. A first-come, first-served policy will be followed for attendance.
The meeting will cover many aspects of biophotonics: quantitative study of nanomorphology, optical properties, biological functions of colors, taxonomic search for species of interest, reverse engineered modelling and computer simulations, bio-mimetic devices, etc. The physical mechanisms involved in these structures are inspiring for device applications in material science and optical engineering.
Secretariat email:
Invited Speakers and Topics:
Andrew Parker, London: "Evolution`s Big Bang- the Origin of Optics"
Eli Yablonovitch, Berkeley: Applications of Photonic Crystal Pigments in Technology
Doekele Stavenga, Groningen: Vision and colors
Jacques Livage, Paris: Pigmentary coloration
Jean-Pol Vigneron, Namur: Physics of structural coloration
Andrew Parker, London: Evolutionist`s point of view
Richard Prum, Yale, New Haven: Optics and self assembly of amorphous photonic nanostructures in birds
Jacques Pasteels, Brussels: Animal defence strategies
Jian Zi, Fudan University, Shanghai:
Jacques Lafait, Paris: Defining and measuring color
Serge Berthier, Paris: Multiscale aspects of visual appearance
Michel Milinkovitch, Geneva: Molecular Phylogeny and Evo-Devo
Claus Nielsen, Copenhagen: Zoological systematics and classification
Cefe López, Madrid: Opal Structures
Gustaaf Van Tendeloo, Antwerp: Electron microscopies
László Biró, Budapest: Bio-inspired artificial structures
Davy Galliot, Lille: Composite organic - Inorganic Butterfly Scales: What Do We learn When Disorder Meets Order!
Claus Helix Nielsen, Kgs. Lyngby: Biomimetic membranes for separation and sensor applications
The venue of the Workshop-Summer School will be at Miramar Palace, headquarter of the Summer Courses of the University of the Basque Country.
Call for Poster Contributions: Abstract submission is still open for poster presentations. Please make your contribution on the Program and Abstracts section of this webpage.
Contact: Secretariat Email:
Please fill in the following registration form to participate in the Workshop. We will assign attendance on a first come first served basis.
Upon registration, you will receive an email confirming your registration. Final registration will be finally confirmed after receiving the payment of a 200 euros fee. The details for the payment of the conference fee will be sent in the confirmation email. This fee includes attendance to the whole program of the conference, lunch everyday at the conference site, an excursion to Guggenheim museum, and the conference dinner.
Invited speakers should register equally, but the conference fee is waived.
The program will consist of lectures and seminars from July 9th to July 15th (both days included), therefore arrival on July 8th and departure on july 16th is highly desirable for full attendance.
Call for Oral and Poster Contributions: Time will be allocated in the schedule for advanced seminars and selected, short oral contributions. A full poster session will also be organized.
Invited speakers, oral contributors, and poster presenters are encouraged to submit an abstract following the on-line procedure, or alternatively, uploading the word template below.
Abstract submission is open for last-minute posters exclusively.
The following link allows for on-line abstract submission or for abstract template downloading (bottom of the page after the click).
This workshop will cover most aspects of the biophotonic methodology: basic physics of photonic band gap materials, detailed description of optical properties, quantitative study of biological functions of colours, electron microscopic investigations of nanomorphology, confirmation of reverse engineered structures by modelling and computer simulations, techniques of field collection of attractive biological specimens, etc….
Sessions will start on the 9th of July and will end on the 15th of July, therefore arrival on the 8th of July and departure on the 16th of July are desirable.
Invited Speakers and Topics will include:
Andrew Parker, London: "Evolution`s Big Bang- the Origin of Optics"
Eli Yablonovitch, Berkeley: Applications of Photonic Crystal Pigments in Technology
Doekele Stavenga, Groningen: Vision and colors
Jacques Livage, Paris: Pigmentary coloration
Jean-Pol Vigneron, Namur: Physics of structural coloration
Andrew Parker, London: Evolutionist`s point of view
Richard Prum, Yale, New Haven: Optics and self assembly of amorphous photonic nanostructures in birds
Jacques Pasteels, Brussels: Animal defence strategies
Jian Zi, Fudan University, Shanghai:
Jacques Lafait, Paris: Defining and measuring color
Serge Berthier, Paris: Multiscale aspects of visual appearance
Michel Milinkovitch, Geneva: Molecular Phylogeny and Evo-Devo
Claus Nielsen, Copenhagen: Zoological systematics and classification
Cefe López, Madrid: Opal Structures
Gustaaf Van Tendeloo, Antwerp: Electron microscopies
László Biró, Budapest: Bio-inspired artificial structures
Davy Galliot, lille: Composite Organic - inorganic Butterfly Scales: What Do We Learn When Disorder Meets Order!
Claus Helix Nielsen, Kgs. Lyngby: Biomimetic membranes for separation and sensor applications
Program of the Workshop: