International Soft Matter Conference 2010


2010/07/05 - 2010/07/08
Granada, Spain
Roque Hidalgo Alvarez
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International Soft Matter Conference 2010

This conference will bring together students and scientists interested in soft matter systems such as polymers, colloids, surfactants, membranes, biomaterials and their composites. Soft Matter is characterized by multi component mixtures, large ranges of length and time scales and many interacting degrees of freedom, leading to complex structures, phase behaviour and dynamics. This implies high sensitivity to external fields and ubiquitous and significant non-equilibrium phenomena.

Soft matter science requires an interdisciplinary approach connecting theoretical, computational and experimental physics, physical chemistry, material science and biology. A special focus of discussion in this context will be the application of soft matter concepts to biological and biomimetic systems.

In this field, basic science and a broad range of modern technological application encompassing also many aspects of nano-science are closely related. These links will be emphasized during this conference, thereby fostering the exchange between academia and industry.

There will be four types of presentations: plenary talks, invited and contributed talks, and posters. These will be chosen by the program committee in cooperation with the advisory board. The contributed talks will be selected from submitted abstracts.

Organizing Committee

* Delfi Bastos Gonzalez
* Miguel Cabrerizo Vilchez
* Francisco Galisteo Gonzalez
* Maria Jose Galvez Ruiz
* Roque Hidalgo Alvarez (Chairperson)
* Ana Belen Jodar Reyes
* Julia Maldonado Valderrama
* Alberto Martin Molina
* Antonio Martin Rodriguez
* Francisco Martinez Lopez
* Arturo Moncho Jorda
* Juan Luis Ortega Vinuesa
* Ramon Pericet Camara
* Miguel Angel Rodriguez Valverde
* Jose Ramos Julian
* Artur Schmitt
* Maria Tirado Miranda
* Fernando Vereda Moratilla
* Juan de Vicente Alvarez de Manzaneda
* Victor Mosquera Tallon
* Pablo Taboada

International Program Committee

* Patricia Bassereau (France)
* Juan Colmenero (Spain)(Chairperson)
* Gerhard Gompper (Germany)
* Roque Hidalgo-Alvarez (Spain)
* Marie Pierre Krafft (France)
* Shlomo Magdassi (Israel)
* Magdaleno Medina-Noyola (Mexico)
* Fernando Oliveira (Brasil)
* Dieter Richter (Germany)
* Jan Vermant (Belgium)
* Dimitri Vlassopoulos (Greece)
* Darsh Wasan (USA)
* Erik Wassne

Invited Speakers

Protein Dynamics and Intermediate States in the Working Cycles of Retinal Proteins
Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
The plant cell wall as a natural polymeric material: structure, mechanical properties, actuation
P. Fratzl
Max-Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Germany
Non-linear rheology of biopolymer networks
P.A. Janmey
Vagelos Research Laboratories, Philadelphia, USA
Rotating Protein Machines
K. Kinosita, Jr.
Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
Homeostasis and Rheology of the cellular membrane
P. Nassoy
Institut Curie, Paris, France

The PhaseChip: Separating Nucleation and Growth with Microfluidics
S. Fraden
Brandeis University, Waltham, USA
Colloidal monolayers on quasiperiodic light fields
C. Bechinger
Universität Stuttgart, Germany
The colloidal glass transition in confinement
Math & Science Center, Atlanta, USA
Directing colloidal self-assembly by templates, electric fields, and depletion attractions
M. Dijkstra
Utrecht University, The Netherlands
The puzzle of sudden gel collapse – what is going on?
P. Bartlett
University of Bristol, United Kingdom

Dynamics of Complex Fluids
The effects of boundaries and interfaces on shear banding in complex fluids
P.D. Olmsted
University of Leeds, UK
Coarse grain simulations of rheological properties of polymer liquids; from blobs to single particle models
W. Briels
University of Twente, The Netherlands
Micromechanics of soft glasses
M. Cloitre
Ecole Supérieure de Physique et Chemie Industrielles, Paris, France
Multilamellar structures induced by antagonistic salt added to a binary mixture of water and organic solvent
H. Seto
Institute of Materials Structure Science, Japan
Microrheology of phospholipid monolayers: direct visualization of stretching, flowing, yielding and healing
T. Squieres
University of California, USA

Biomembranes: membrane proteins and active cytoskeleton
T. Auth
Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Mechanics of Cellular Aggregates
F. Brochard-Wyart
Institut Curie, Paris, France
Soft matter nanosystems for gene and drug delivery
J. Rädler
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany
Tau Protein Directed Assembly in Neuronal Systems
C.R. Safinya
University of California, USA

Polymer Physics of Airway Surface Layer in Lungs
M. Rubinstein
University of North Caroline, USA
Force distribution through complex molecules: clues to biomechanics and function
F. Graeter
Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, China
Computer simulations of block copolymer dynamics: Soft confinement in nanostructured mesophases
A. Moreno
Centro de Física de Materiales, San Sebastián, Spain
Telechelic Linear and Star Polymer Melts: Linear Rheology and Modelling
E. van Ruymbeke
Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgique
Is dynamics important for protein function?
R. Biehl
Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany

Amyloid Peptides and Peptide Copolymers: From self-assembly, towards therapeutics
I.W. Hamley
The University of Reading, UK
Morphology driven failure mode transition in self-assembled transient networks
C. Ligoure
University of Montpellier, France
Mixtures of DNA with cationic surfactants and proteins: gels and gel nanoparticles
M. Miguel
University of Coimbra, Portugal
Block copolymers at surfaces: patterns, templates and applications
D. Andelman
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Laponite as a complex colloid: aggregation, gel and glass formation
E. Zaccarelli
Universita di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy

Surfaces and Interfaces
Bio-films by neutron scattering: a perspective
G. Fragneto
Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), France
Grafted polymer layers: a way to control adhesion and friction
L. Léger
CNRS & Université Paris-Sud, France
The effect of ion size on colloidal forces: A Monte Carlo simulation study
M. Quesada-Perez
University of Jaén, Spain
How robust are particle-stabilized emulsions and bijels?
P.S. Clegg
University of Edinburgh, UK
The critical Casimir effect: measuring and tuning femto-Newton forces
S. Dietrich
Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforshung, Stuttgart, Germany

Soft Nanotechnology
Collective behaviour and self-organization in fluid micro-systems
S. Herminghaus
Max-Planck-Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen, Germany
Microorganism Growth Kinetic Variability in Droplets
J. Bibette
ESPCI, Paris, France
Nanoparticle Amphiphiles
S.K. Kumar
Columbia University, New York, USA
Electrochemical nanofluidics: Mesoscopic and single-molecule limits
S. Lemay
Kavli Insitute of Nanoscience, Delft, The Netherlands
Soft organic thin films, based on nanostructured polymeric composites, as ultra sensitive piezoresistive materials and their applications
J. Veciana
Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona (CSIC),Spain 

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