Passion for Knowledge


2010/09/27 - 2010/10/01
Donostia - San Sebastián
Pedro Miguel Etxenike
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Passion for Knowledge


The Lectures of Passion for Knowledge bring together speakers from different disciplines, cultures and thinking to engage the public with stories of personal exploration. Several Nobel laureates and world-leading experts will show their passion for knowledge and deep commitment to research. They will speak about the key moments, developments, challenges and implications of their research and works. The Lectures will combine scientific rigour and entertainment to awake the curiosity, the interest, the enthusiasm and critical thinking of the public at large.

The list of confirmed guest speakers includes:

  • Bernando Atxaga
  • Aaron Ciechanover
  • Juan Ignacio Cirac
  • Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
  • Luis De Pablo
  • Sylvia A. Earle
  • Richard Ernst
  • Theodor Hänsch
  • Dudley Herschbach
  • Roald Hoffmann
  • Robert S. Langer
  • Jean-Marie Lehn
  • Sir John Pendry
  • Heinrich Rohrer
  • Frank Wilczek
  • Ada Yonath


          • Pedro Miguel Echenique

          • Juan Colmenero
          • Alberto López Basaguren

   Organizing Committee 
          • Fernando Cossío, President of Fundación Ikerbasque
          • José María Mato, CIC bioGUNE and biomaGune General Director
          • Ginés Morata, Professor of Research of the Centro de Biología Molecular of CSIC-UAM
          • Luis Oro, Director of the Instituto Universitario de Catálisis Homogénea (University of Zaragoza)
          • Rafael Pardo, Director of Fundación BBVA
          • Jose Maria Pitarke, General Director of CIC nanoGUNE 
          • Joan Rodés, Ex-general director of Hospital Clinic of Barcelona
          • Félix Yndurain, Head of Department of the Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid

   Executive Committee
          • Igor Campillo, Secretary General
          • Ricardo Díez Muiño, Head of the Scientific Program 
          • Unai Ugalde, Head of the Plenary Program
          • Enrique Zárate, Head of the Program of Activities in the City 

  For more information, please visit: