Passion for Interfaces
- When
- 2010/09/28 - 2010/09/30
- Place
- Donostia - San Sebastian
- Organizers
- Maite Alducin
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Unraveling fundamental aspects of the scattering and reactivity of atoms and molecules at interfaces, electronic properties of thin films and adsorbates, self-assembling and surface functionalization.
Keynote Lecturer
• F. Flores (UAM, Madrid, Spain)
Invited Speakers
• E. Artacho (University of Cambridge, UK)
• H.F. Busnengo (Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina)
• P. Gambardella (CIN2, Barcelona, Spain)
• F. Himpsel (University of Wisconsin Madison, USA)
• M. Kawai (RIKEN, Wako, Japan)
• A. Kleyn (FOM Institute, Nieuwegein, Netherlands)
• G.-J. Kroes (Leiden University, Netherlands)
• N. Lorente (CIN2, Barcelona, Spain)
• R. Miranda (UAM, Madrid, Spain)
• K. Morgenstern (Leibniz Universität, Hannover, Germany)
• J. I. Pascual (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
• K. Reuter (TU München, Germany)
• C. Rogero (CFM, San Sebastián, Spain)
• M. Salmeron (LBNL, Berkeley, USA)
• D. Sánchez-Portal (CFM, San Sebastián, Spain)
• Ricardo Diez Muiño, Head
• Maite Alducin, Passion for Interfaces
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