Passion for Photons


2010/09/29 - 2010/10/01
Donostia - San Sebastian
Javier Aizpurua
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Passion for Photons

Addressing fundamental and applied aspects of nanoscale optics.

Keynote Lecturer 

    • N. Halas (Rice University, Houston, USA)

Invited Speakers 

    • A. G. Borisov (Université de Paris-Sud, France)
    • G. Bryant (NIST, Washington, USA)
    • N. Engheta (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
    • F. J. García de Abajo (Instituto de Optica CSIC, Madrid, Spain)
    • F. J. García Vidal (UAM, Madrid, Spain)
    • R. Hillenbrand (CIC nanoGUNE, San Sebastián, Spain)
    • A. Howie (University of Cambridge, UK)
    • M. Käll (Chalmers University, Göteborg, Sweden)
    • S. Maier (Imperial College, London, UK)
    • P. Nordlander (Rice University, Houston, USA)
    • L. Novotny (University of Rochester, USA)
    • J. B. Pendry (Imperial College, London, UK)
    • R. Quidant (ICFO, Barcelona, Spain)
    • J. J. Saenz (UAM, Madrid, Spain)
    • M. I. Stockman (Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA)


    • Ricardo Diez Muiño, Head
    • Javier Aizpurua, Passion for Photons

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