6th Basque Quantum Science and Technology Workshop / 2nd IKUR Quantum Science and Technology Workshop


Paraninfo, UPV/EHU, Bilbao
Organized by: Géza Giedke (DIPC, Ikerbasque) and Enrique Rico (UPV-EHU, Ikerbasque)
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6th Basque Quantum Science and Technology Workshop / 2nd IKUR Quantum Science and Technology Workshop

What? Meeting and Workshop on Quantum Science and Technology

Who? Researchers based in the Basque Country and working on or interested in quantum science and technology. Special guests this year: Researchers from the University of Bordeaux.

When? Friday October 20, 2023, 9h - 18h.

How? Talks, posters, and discussions

Where? Paraninfo, UPV/EHU, Bilbao

Organizers: Géza Giedke1,3 and Enrique Rico2,3
(1) DIPC (2) UPV-EHU (3) Ikerbasque

Registration: by email to Enrique Rico

Program Booklet and Timetable (last updated: September 29)

List of invited speakers:

  • Maria N. Gastiasoro (DIPC & Ikerbasque): Pairing mediated by soft ferroelectric modes in polar metals
  • Tobias Graß (DIPC & Ikerbasque): Quantum simulation of Hubbard models
  • Brahim Lounis (U Bordeaux): Tailoring the degree of entanglement of two coherently coupled quantum emitters
  • David Novoa (UPV/EHU & Ikerbasque): Mastering light quanta with synchronous molecular motion
  • Mikel Sanz (UPV/EHU & Ikerbasque): Digital-Analog Quantum Computation
  • Jonathan Wise (U Bordeaux): Nonclassical mechanical states in nonlinear quantum optomechanic

Posters and Contributed Talks: tba
List of contributed talks and posters (extract from program booklet)

Previous Workshops: 2022, 2021, 2019, 2016 (Feb, June).

Local Contact: Enrique Rico

Support: This event is supported by DIPC, by Euskampus, and by IKUR.

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