Controlled Atomic Dynamics on Solid Surfaces: Atom and Molecular Manipulation
- When
- 2013/05/13 - 2013/05/16
- Place
- International Physics Center, San Sebastián
- Organizers
- Thomas Frederiksen (DIPC), Nicolás Lorente (CIN2), Magnus Paulsson (Linnaeus University)
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When: May 13-16, 2013.
Where: Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), San Sebastián
• STM manipulation
• Current-induced reactions
• Dynamics on surfaces
• Excitations at surfaces
• Action spectroscopy
• Inelastic electron tunneling
• Atom-by-atom construction of nano systems
Confirmed speakers
Maite Alducin, CFM-MPC, CSIC, San Sebastián, Spain
Richard Berndt, Kiel University, Germany
María Blanco-Rey, DIPC, San Sebastián, Spain
Marie-Laure Bocquet, ENS Lyon, France
Mads Brandbyge, DTU Nanotech, Denmark
Eugene Chulkov, CSIC-UPV/EHU, Spain
Karl-Heinz Ernst, EMPA, Switzerland
Aran Garcia-Lekue, DIPC, San Sebastián, Spain
Michael Galperin, UC San Diego, USA
Jean-Pierre Gauyacq, CNRS Paris-Sud, France
Axel Gross, Ulm University, Germany
Werner Hofer, Liverpool University, UK
Maki Kawai, RIKEN, Tokyo, Japan
Tadahiro Komeda, Tohoku University, Japan
Rolf Möller, Duisburg-Essen University, Germany
Karina Morgenstern, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Hiroshi Okuyama, Kyoto University, Japan
Richard Palmer, Birmingham University, UK
Jose-Ignacio Pascual, CIC nanoGUNE, San Sebastián, Spain
Bo Persson, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Mats Persson, Liverpool University, UK
Hrvoje Petek, Pittsburgh University, USA
Roberto Robles, CIN2, Spain
Ruslan Temirov, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Sergei Tikhodeev, GPI Moscow, Russia
Tchavdar Todorov, Queens University Belfast, UK
Hiromu Ueba, Toyama University, Japan
Martin Wolf, Fritz-Haber MPG, Berlin, Germany
Thomas Frederiksen, DIPC, San Sebastián, Spain
Nicolás Lorente, CIN2, Barcelona, Spain
Magnus Paulsson, Linnaeus University, Sweden
The objective of this workshop is to provide a thorough picture of the existing theoretical techniques and how they are contributing to the understanding and quantitative prediction of controlled manipulations. Equivalently, the workshop aims at exposing present experimental developments and challenges that need to be addressed by new theoretical developments. The meeting will steer discussions and collaborations much needed to add momentum to a developing field. This workshop can be of landmark importance since no equivalent workshop or conference has been organized with the aim of making "controlled manipulations" a full-fledged research field.
The workshop is dedicated to Prof. Hiromu Ueba and to all of his contributions to this field.
NB: Invited speakers do not need to follow this registration procedure.
The workshop will be open to a limited number of contributing participants who can present their work with a poster.
Early registration fee 150 Euros (by April 13, 2013). After April 13, 2013 the registration fee becomes 200 Euros.
Registration Fee: Method of Payment
Make Bank Transfer to:
Fundación DIPC
IBAN. ES5320955381111062134290
Bic (swift): BASKES2BXXX
Please clearly state your full name and the word “C.A.Dynamics” in your bank transfer
Please do not forget to indicate the name of the participant, and to send a copy of the bank transfer form to the fax number: +34 943 015600.
Cost of Money Order/Transference: Participants are responsible for any bank fees relating to the transfer.
Please make sure that the Passport number or VAT number provided correspond to the person/institution that actually makes the fee payment. A receipt including this information will be issued by DIPC.