Modifications following different interaction processes at surfaces


2003/09/08 - 2003/09/13
Donostia - San Sebastián
Prof. A. Howie, Prof. P. M. Echenique y Prof. A. Arnau
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Modifications following different interaction processes at surfaces

The 5th Donostia Encounters on Particle-Solid Interactions is to be held in San Sebastian (Spain), September 8-13, 2003.
The Workshop will be centered around the topic “Modifications following different interaction processes at surfaces ”. It will be
sponsored by the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC). The chairman of the Conference, Prof. Archie Howie, has selcted the
following topics: photon and electron beam damage, charging effects in electron beam irradiation, environmental scanning electron
microscopy, ion beam litography and dry etching, conmputer simulation of condensed matter processes, ion and molecule scattering at
surfaces and ion beam analysis.

Final program:

Monday 8th September 2003

15:30-19:30 Registration at Hotel Costa Vasca
19:30-20:30 Welcome Reception at Hotel Costa Vasca

Tuesday 9th September 2003

8:30-9:00 Registration at Palacio Miramar
9:00-9:15 Opening of the Conference at Palacio Miramar

Session I (Manipulation in the atomic scale)

9:15-10:00 N. Tolk: Desorption and damage studies at semiconductor surfaces and interfaces using intense, tunable, ultrafast lasers.
10:00-10:45 J.I. Pascual: Mode-selective manipulation of the cleaveage of a single molecular bond

10:45-11:15 Coffe Break

Session II (Photochemistry and Low energy electrons)

11:15-12:00 D. Menzel: Photochemistry in adsorbates:Coupling-induced modifications, quenching, and selectivity
12:00-12:45 P. Rowntree: Interaction of low energy electrons with soft molecular systems

13:00 Lunch at Palacio Miramar

Session III (Ion beam analysis)

15:30-16:15 P. Pussa: Ion scattering as a tool for material science
16:15-17:00 F. Paszti: Interaction of MeV ions with porous materials: morphological changes and their investigation by ion beam analysis

Wednesday 10th September 2003

Session IV (Ions and electrons with insulators)

9:00-9:45 J. Cazaux: Electron irradiated insulators: mechanisms of charging and correlation with some chemical modifications
9:45-10:30 B. Thiel: Control of secondary electron emission from insulating surfaces by soft-landing ions in the low vacuum SEM

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

Session V (Small structures)

11:00-11:45 P. Kruit: Electron-beam-induced deposition of sub-10 nanometer structures
11:45-12:30 J.R. Sabin: Fragmentation of fullerenes

13:00 Lunch at Palacio Miramar

15:30-17:30 Poster Session

Thursday 11th September 2003

Session VI (Energy loss and electron emission)

9:00-9:45 V.A. Khodyrev: The current density approach in treatment of energy loss
9:45-10:30 M.S. Gravielle: Differential electron emission spectra produced by grazing ion-surface collisions

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

Session VII (Ion surface interactions)

11:00-11:45 P. Bauer: Electronic interactions of slow He ions at a metal surface
11:45-12:30 D. Boerma : Surface and thin layer physics at the CNAM of the UAM

13:00 Lunch at Palacio Miramar

Session VIII (technological applications)

15:30-16:15 J. Colligon : Modification of surface hardness using ion-assisted deposition
16:15-17:00 W.H. Bruenger: Ion projection direct structuring of surfaces: technology and applications

20:30 Conference Dinner at Kursal

Friday 12th September 2003

Session IX (molecules at surfaces)

9:00-9:45 D. Farias: Looking at the hydrogen dissociation process via diffraction experiments
9:45-10:30 F. Busnengo: Low energy H2 scattering from metal surfaces: reactivity and dissociation mechanisms.

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

Session X (electrons and photons in crystals)

11:00-11:45 N. Vast: Anisotropy of the Microscopic Fluctuations of the Polarization, Confinement effects, and the Dielectric Function
of Crystals
11:45-12:30 F.J. Garcia de Abajo: The Cherenkov effect in photonic crystals

12:30 Closing of the Conference

13:00 Lunch at Palacio Miramar