Perspectives in Non-Hermitian Systems (PiNHS)
- When
- 2025/09/01 - 2025/09/05
- Place
- Miramar Palace, Donostia / San Sebastian
- Organizers
- Dario Bercioux (DIPC), Geza Giedke (DIPC), Clara Wanjura (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen – Germany), Emil J. Bergholtz (Stockholm University),
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This five-day workshop on Non-Hermitian Physics will dive into the foundations, experimental implications, and engineering of open systems. Several aspects of non-Hermitian physics will be explored, including the impact of non-Hermitian models on systems interacting with their environment. Particular emphasis is placed on the engineering of open systems, covering state-of-the-art experimental applications like photonic systems, optical resonators, and quantum control mechanisms. The workshop will include key experts in each of these areas, providing participants with insights from renowned specialists in the field.
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