Quantum Phenomena in Multilayers and Heterostructures (QPMH)
- When
- 2024/09/02 - 2024/09/06
- Place
- Miramar Palace, Donostia / San Sebastián
- Organizers
- Maria Navarro Gastiasoro (DIPC), Leni Bascones (ICMM-CSIC), Ali Yazdani (Princeton University), Paula Mellado (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez)
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The workshop will explore the latest advances in quantum phenomena, including the correlated and topological phases of twisted and untwisted graphene and dichalcogenides multilayers, the properties of van der Waals magnets and interface superconductivity. The focus will be on the latest advances in the characterization, theory and ad-hoc engineering of new quantum states, as well as on breakthroughs in sensing and spectroscopic techniques to detect these novel states.
More information: https://qpmh.dipc.org/