On Zientzia awards for the best short videos on science and technology

2024 Jun 7

The awards ceremony of the ON ZIENTZIA video contest, organized by Elhuyar and DIPC for the fourteenth year, was held today in Tabakalera. The videos “El viaje de SiO2” and “Txantxangorri kuantikoa eta bestelako izaki magikoak” have received the main awards. Three students from Errenteria have received the Young Award for “Dolly ardia”.

On Zientzia awards for the best short videos on science and technology

The ON ZIENTZIA video contest, organized annually by Elhuyar and Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) in the framework of the television program Teknopolis, aims to produce and disseminate short and original videos on science and technology aimed at all audiences. The awards ceremony of the fourteenth edition of the contest was held today at Tabakalera.

A total of 100 videos were received this year, with a gender balance among the participants. Most of the videos have been presented in Basque, but there are also videos in Spanish, since the origin of the participants is spread all over the world. Although most of the works have been submitted from the Basque Country, several videos have also been received from Argentina, Chile or Mexico, among others. All the participating videos can be viewed on the contest website: www.onzientzia.tv

The jury decided to award the following prizes:
The prize for the best popularization video (€3,000) went to Paula Alonso and Pablo Fernández from Madrid, for the video “El viaje de SiO2”. The jury highlighted that “it offers the excuse to organize a family research on the beach. The science is very well told, with flawless explanations about geology and its basic concepts.”

Jon Puignau from San Sebastian was the winner of the best video in Basque prize (2,000 €), for the video “Txantxangorri kuantikoa eta bestelako izaki magikoak”. According to the jury, “it is very meritorious, because it brings us closer to a world that seemed very far away through the elements of nature. It tackles concepts that seemed impossible to explain without mathematical formulas, in an aesthetically beautiful way”.

The Young Prize (1,000 €) went to Miren Ayerdi Suarez, Arhane Torres Redondo and Malen Irurzun Alzualde from Errenteria, for their video “Dolly ardia”. In the words of the jury, “they have recalled an historical icon and presented a basic and current topic beautifully with a touch of humor”.

The jury also awarded two special mentions this year. The first went to Maddi Piris Otaegui from Donostia/San Sebastian, for “Adimen Artifiziala: funtzionamendua eta erronkak”. In the opinion of the jury, “she has been able to explain the subject through very simple examples, using elements of surprise and explaining well its current challenges”.The second special mention went to Patxi Juaristi Azkue from Azpeitia, for his video “Korronte ozeanikoez”. “In the context of climate change, he has been able to explain very well a current issue through images and resources of great quality”, highlighted the jury.

In addition, the most voted video on the website www.onzientzia.tv received the Audience Award: “Minaren sekretuak ezagutzen dituzu?” by Noa Manso Curros and Lydia Duro Ermua from Biscay received the trophy.

The awards were presented by Adolfo Morais Ezquerro, deputy minister of Universities and Research; Jon Abril Olaetxea, general coordinator of Elhuyar; and Ricardo Díez Muiño, director of DIPC.

The jury was formed by Marian Iriarte Ormazabal, dean of the Faculty of Chemistry of the UPV/EHU and science popularizer; Onintze Salazar Pérez, physicist of Euskalmet; Jon Mattin Matxain, researcher at the UPV/EHU and associate of the DIPC; Itxaso Azcune, outreach and communication officer at DIPC; and Nagore Rementeria Argote, member of Elhuyar and director of the Teknopolis program.

The ceremony will be broadcasted in a special TV program Teknopolis, on June 15 at 13:30 on ETB1, and on June 16 at 11:30 on ETB2.