Mairi Sakellariadou, president of the European Physical Society (EPS)

Mairi Sakellariadou, professor of theoretical physics at King's College London, took over as the new president of the European Physical Society (EPS) at the EPS Council Forum held at Freie Universität Berlin, from 25-27 March, replacing Professor Luc Bergé. Former chair of the EPS Gravitational Physics Division, Professor Sakellariadou becomes the third woman to hold the EPS presidency.
Professor Sakellariadou's research covers various aspects of theoretical physics, cosmology, classical and quantum gravity, particle physics, astrophysics, as well as non-commutative geometry.
DIPC has had the honour of receiving Mairi Sakellariadou as a guest at the top@DIPC - Zientziarekin solasean! encounter organised in 2018, where she shared with students from the Basque Country together with Klaus Von Klitzing, Nobel Prize in Physics in 1985 specialised in condensed matter Pphysics and María Vallet-Regí, King Jaime I Basic Research Award in 2018 specialised in smart biomaterials. The session was moderated by Pedro Miguel Etxenike, president of DIPC. Since 2009, DIPC has been organising these annual encounters between leading scientists with students in the Basque Country with the mission of stimulating curiosity for science among young people and inspiring scientific vocations.
DIPC congratulates Mairi Sakellariadou on her new position and wishes her a brilliant presidency.