Screening of the documentary ‘El secreto de la naturaleza’ in Donostia with Pedro Miguel Etxenike

2024 Sep 2

Juan Ignacio Pérez Iglesias, Minister of Science, Universities and Innovation, and Joxean Fernández, Director of the Basque Film Archive, will present the film next Thursday 12 September (19:00), at Tabakalera (Donostia). Afterwards, the physicist from Navarre will be interviewed by Edurne Ormazabal, general director of Tabakalera.

Screening of the documentary ‘El secreto de la naturaleza’ in Donostia with Pedro Miguel Etxenike

The Basque Film Archive and the Chair of Scientific Culture of the UPV/EHU have organized the screening of "El secreto de la naturaleza" (José Antonio Pérez Ledo, 2018), a documentary about Pedro Miguel Etxenike's reflections on science and beauty. The film, which will be presented by Juan Ignacio Pérez Iglesias, Minister of Science, Universities and Innovation, and Joxean Fernández, Director of the Basque Film Archive, will be screened at Tabakalera (Donostia) on Thursday 12 September (19:00). Afterwards, the physicist from Navarre will be interviewed by Edurne Ormazabal, general director of Tabakalera.

The film, co-produced by the Chair of Scientific Culture of the UPV/EHU and K2000, traces the life and work of Etxenike, who shares his reflections on science and beauty. To do so, the physicist starts with two aesthetic questions: ‘Is beauty a criterion of truth? What is beauty in science?

Pedro Miguel Etxenike, among many other awards for his research work, received the Euskadi Research Award in 1996, the Max Planck Physics Award in 1998 and that same year the Prince of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research for his discoveries in the theoretical prediction of electronic image states on the surface of solids. He has made important contributions in the field of ion-matter interactions and electron energy losses in electron and tunneling microscopy. He is currently professor emeritus at UPV/EHU and president of DIPC. Every year, he opens the Cinema and Science cycle organized by the Basque Film Archive, DIPC and the San Sebastian International Film Festival.

The screening has been organized in collaboration with DIPC and the San Sebastian International Film Festival - regular institutions of Cinema and Science series. Tickets are on sale on the Tabakalera website and at the information point of the building.

Tickets on sale

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