The septh edition of Cinema and Science cycle breaks attendance record
The initiative, organized by the Basque Film Library together with the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) and the San Sebastian International Film Festival (SSIFF), has gathered, between January and March, 5,641 people in Vitoria, San Sebastian, Bilbao, Pamplona and Saint-Jean de Luz; 9.60% more than in 2023.

The seventh edition of the Film and Science series, organized by the Basque Film Archive, the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) and the San Sebastian International Film Festival (SSIFF), has broken its attendance record this year by attracting 5,641 people, 9.60% more than in 2023. A total of 47 sessions were organized in Vitoria, San Sebastian, Bilbao, Pamplona and San Juan de Luz with an average of 120 spectators. All the venues (except Tabakalera, which last year had almost 100% occupancy) have significantly increased their average number of spectators: the Museo de Bellas Artes in Bilbao has gone from 182 to 216; Artium Museoa in Vitoria from 37 to 63; the Golem in Pamplona from 68 to 78 and Le Sélect in San Juan de Luz from 24 to 41.
The most watched films in this cycle, which aims to disseminate scientific and cinematographic culture, were Oppenheimer (Christopher Nolan, 2023) with 1,079 people; Bombshell. The Hedy Lamarr Story (Alexandra Dean, 2017) with 699, Memories of Africa (Sydney Pollack, 1985) and Plan 75 (Chie Hayakawa, 2022) with 637 and 636, respectively.
In addition, almost 600 schoolchildren had the opportunity to see Mars Express (Jérémie Périn, 2023), a film about artificial intelligence, on the big screen.
All the screenings were presented by 26 internationally renowned scientists and physicists; physicist Pedro Miguel Etxenike (president of the DIPC and Prince of Asturias Award, among other awards) was in charge of the inaugural presentation of Oppenheimer in San Sebastian, Bilbao and Pamplona.The Film and Science series participated in the framework of the Emakumeak Zientzian initiative and also had the collaboration of Biogipuzkoa.