Excellence in Science, Excellence in Communication

Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) is a research institution whose mission is to conduct leading edge research in physics and related disciplines, as well as to convey scientific culture to society


School visits

On-site school visit


CFM Seminars

Update on the European Spallation Source

Giovanna Fragneto | European Spallation Source ERIC

12:00 | CFM Auditorium

DIPC Seminars

RIKEN Accelerator-driven compact neutron systems, RANS project, and their capabilities

Yoshie Otake | RIKEN | Félix Fernández Alonso

12:00 | DIPC Seminar Room

DIPC Seminars

Efficient algorithm for dispersion of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov chains on a superconducting surface

Rik Broekhoven | Delft University of Technology | Nicolás Lorente Palacios

12:00 | DIPC Seminar Room

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