- Occupational Risk Prevention Technician (Closed)
DONOSTIA INTERNATIONAL PHYSICS CENTER - DIPC (hereinafter, DIPC) and ASOCIACIÓN DE INVESTIGACIÓN MPC - MATERIALS PHYSICS CENTER (hereinafter, MPC) are now accepting applications for a position as Occupational Risk Prevention Technician. The person selected will be responsible for ensuring the health and safety of workers in all the centers where they work, as well as managing and coordinating prevention and training activities in the field of occupational risks.
With regard to the conditions of the contract, the candidate must join in January or February 2025 and will do so through a part-time contract with DIPC and another, also part-time, with MPC, reaching between both contracts the full working day (37.5 hours per week).
The role
Functions, among other:
- Management, planning and implementation of training programs related to ORP.
- Management of health surveillance (including the organization of medical examinations).
- Management of prevention documentation, for example:
- Drawing up and updating of protocols in the area of ORP.
- Updating and monitoring of the center's emergency plan and self-protection plan.
- Analysis of preventive planning and proposals for improvements.
- Preparation, monitoring and updating of the schedule of prevention activities.
- Management of the provision of risk information.
- Supervision of compliance with ORP measures by workers and contractors.
- Coordination with the External Prevention Service.
- Management of ORP training.
- Welcoming new incorporations in terms of ORP.
- Acquisition and management of PPE delivery.
- Control of access to employee facilities through the management of access certificates, among others.
- Coordination of Business activities and CAE document management with the access centers of the DIPC and MPC workers and with the contracted companies for a correct management of the ORP.
- Active participation in internal and external evaluations related to ORP.
- Implementation and monitoring of preventive planning.
- Management of incidents related to ORP, including all actions to be carried out by the company in the event of an accident at work or occupational disease.
- Control and updating of current regulations on occupational risk prevention.
- Coordination with laboratory technicians to ensure compliance with protocols and ORP regulations. Any other administrative task related to the ORP area.
- Management of internal accident reports and health care forms.
- Investigation and analysis of accidents at work, including the preparation of reports and proposals for improvement.
- Coordination with the Mutual Insurance Company, if necessary.
- Collaboration in the publication and management of calls for applications and personnel selection processes.
- Updating and monitoring of workers' data related to prevention (work centre, type of post, etc.).
Desired background & competences
- Minimum: Master's Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention (with the three specializations: Health and Safety, Industrial Hygiene and Ergonomics and Psychosociology).
- Valuable: Technical university education, especially in the field of chemistry, engineering or similar.
- Minimum: At least two years managing ORP in a company or in an external prevention service.
- Valuable: Experience as an ORP technician in scientific facilities; experience in ORP management in scientific facilities; experience as an external ORP Service technician for scientific facilities; experience in laboratory work.
Languages: Demonstrable high level of Spanish, English and Basque, spoken and written.
Skills valued:
- Knowledge of the use of ERP.
- Mastery of the computer applications necessary for the optimal development of the job.
- Experience in the use of CAE management tools (e.g. QUIIO platform).
Personal requirements:
- Ability to work to deadlines.
- Willingness to perform multifunctional tasks in terms of function and responsibility.
- Ability to work in a team and capacity for self-organization and management.
- Ability to interact with staff from all areas: researchers, heads of research groups, Administration & Services staff, external prevention services, Mutua etc.
- Initiative.
- Communication skills.
- Mobility is required to visit the different work centers, as well as for external management and visits.
Working conditions
- Estimated annual gross salary: Salary to be negotiated according to the candidate's profile
- Target start date: 2025/01/01
We provide a highly stimulating research environment, and unique professional career development opportunities.
We offer and promote a diverse and inclusive environment and welcomes applicants regardless of age, disability, gender, nationality, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity.
The center
About the team
Joining Research Centers of international relevance with and integrated, enthusiastic, international and multidisciplinary environment.
How to apply
If you are interested in this position, please send an email to jobs@dipc.org before December 21, 2024, attaching the following documents:
- Your CV.
- Copy of the corresponding qualification.
- In the case of participating in the shift of people with disabilities, accreditation of disability equal to or greater than 33% must be attached.
- Cover letter.
The reference of the specific opening to which the candidate is applying should be stated in the subject line, and the application must be received before the application deadline.
- Reference: Occupational Risk Prevention Technician
- Application deadline: 2024/12/20
- Application email: jobs@dipc.org
Selection process
Applications will be evaluated by a committee appointed by the Director of the DIPC and MPC according to the following criteria (with the weighting in percent of the final score indicated in brackets):
- CV of the candidate (30%)
- Demonstrated experience in the aspects indicated in this job offer (35%)
- Personal interview (35%)
In order to pass to the personal interview phase, it will be necessary to obtain a minimum of 45 out of 65 in the evaluation of the CV and experience. Likewise, those profiles that, in the committee's opinion, do not meet any of the requirements for the job will not be evaluated.
The final resolution of the selection process will be published on the DIPC and MPC website as soon as possible.
However, the selected candidate may keep the position if, in the opinion of the Selection Committee, the candidate duly justifies the reasons why he or she cannot join before the specified deadline, and as long as the project allows it.