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In this section you can find all DIPC job offers. In each offer you will find more information about the available projects and positions, as well as about eligibility, conditions, required application material and deadlines

PostDoc - In silico design and assessment of novel polyelectrophylic chemistry agents

Post-doctoral position
Deadline: 2024/05/30
Resolution: 2024/06/06

PostDoc - Search for neutrinoless double beta decay with high pressure xenon time projection chambers

Post-doctoral position
Deadline: 2024/06/04
Resolution: 2024/06/13

Administration - Procurement and Administration Technician

Administration & Services job offer
Deadline: 2024/07/05
Resolution: 2024/07/31

PhD Student - Topological magnetic Moiré heterostructures

Pre-doctoral position
Deadline: 2024/07/21
Resolution: 2024/07/30

PostDoc - AI-Powered Interpretation of Missense Variants in Actionable Genes

Post-doctoral position
Deadline: 2024/07/21
Resolution: 2024/07/30

PostDoc - Theory and simulation of time-dependent nanoelectronics

Post-doctoral position
Deadline: 2024/07/21
Resolution: 2024/07/30

PostDoc - Spin qubits and graphene-based nanostructures

Post-doctoral position
Deadline: 2024/07/21
Resolution: 2024/07/30

PhD Student - Topological Correlated Models for Quantum Circuits

Pre-doctoral position
Deadline: 2024/07/21
Resolution: 2024/07/30

- Artificial intelligence for quantum technologies and photonics

Pre-doctoral position
Deadline: 2024/07/21
Resolution: 2024/07/30
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