Erin Brockovich (Steven Soderbergh, 2000)
Cinema and Science Series
- Invited Scientists
Miren Pilare Cajaraville
UPV/EHU, Plentzia Marine Station (PiE-UPV/EHU) - When
19:00 - Place
- Tabakalera, Donostia / San Sebastián
- Organizers
- DIPC, Basque Film Archive, San Sebastian International Film Festival
- Add to calendar

Erin Brockovich is a single mother who gets a job in a small law firm. One day she decides to take it upon herself to investigate the strange case of some clients who are suffering from a suspicious illness.
First Miren Pilare Cajaraville will give a presentation and after the screening there will be a question and answer session.
(Version: English, Subtitles: Basque, Presentation: Basque)
About the speaker
Miren Pilare Cajaraville is Professor of Cell Biology since 2002, she has more than 30 years experience in Environmental Toxicology. Her research focuses on development and application of cellular and molecular biomarkers of pollution and AOPs in aquatic sentinel and model organisms to understand mechanisms of action of pollutants and also on the use of alternative in vitro and in vivo approaches for environmental and human risk assessment. Director of consolidated research group “Cell Biology in Environmental Toxicology” 2001-2021 and head of the research line Toxicology of nanomaterials, micro and nanoplastics and other emerging pollutants. Founding member of the Marine Station of Plentzia PiE. Coordinator of PhD programme in Environmental Contamination and Toxicology ECT since 2012 and lecturer at Erasmus Mundus masters. Basque Government and Ikerbasque Advanced Award (2021). World’s top 2% scientist according to Ranking of the World Scientists, University of Stanford (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024).