High Life (Claire Denis, 2018)
Cinema and Science Series
- Invited Scientists
Antonio Casado da Rocha
UPV/EHU - When
19:00 - Place
- Golem Baiona Zinemak, Iruñea / Pamplona
- Organizers
- DIPC, Basque Film Archive, San Sebastián International Film Festival
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A man and his daughter struggle to survive on a spaceship deep in space, the sole survivors of a group of death row inmates on a mission to a black hole.
First Antonio Casado da Rocha will give a brief presentation and after the screening there will be a question and answer session.
(Version: English, Subtitles: Spanish, Presentation: Spanish)
About the speaker
Antonio Casado da Rocha (Donostia, 1970) is a permanent researcher in the Department of Philosophy of Values and Social Anthropology of the UPV/EHU. He received the Grifols Foundation Award for Research in Bioethics and co-directed the UPV/EHU-UPNA Master's Degree in Scientific Culture from its creation until 2022. He has published works on applied ethics, social innovation and history of political ideas.