Oppenheimer (Christopher Nolan, 2023) VITORIA-GASTEIZ

Cinema and Science Series

Invited Scientists
Igor Campillo
Euskampus Fundazioa, DIPC
Artium Museoa, Vitoria-Gasteiz
DIPC, Basque Film Archive, San Sebastian Intenational Film Festival
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Oppenheimer (Christopher Nolan, 2023) VITORIA-GASTEIZ
Still from the film.

Igor Campillo, director of Euskampus Fundazioa and DIPC associate, will open the Cinema and Science series with his lecture entitled "Opphenheimer: Dilemmas in Science". The lecture will start at 18:00 (45 min) and the screening at 19:00.

18:00 "Oppenheimer: Dilemmas in Science" - Inaugural Lecture by Igor Campillo

Oppenheimer is one of the most important and influential theoretical physicists of the 20th century. However, he has not gone down in history for his scientific contributions, some of them remarkable, but for his leadership in the creation of the first nuclear weapon. Oppenheimer's work as director of the Manhattan Project involved colossal scientific and technological challenges, but, above all, he became a catalyst for a new era in world warfare and politics. Christopher Nolan's recent film, which opens the seventh edition of the Film and Science Series organized by the DIPC, Basque Film Archive and San Sebastian International Film Festival, is a clear demonstration that Oppenheimer is an enigmatic and multifaceted figure who continues to be an object of fascination and reflection. Oppenheimer's life intertwines the most important scientific revolution of the 20th century with ethical dilemmas, political persecution and harassment, and the tension of the Cold War. For this reason, before the screening of the film that inaugurates the seventh edition of the Film and Science series, there will be a more extensive and detailed presentation than usual.

19:00 Screening of Oppenheimer (Christopher Nolan, 2023).

During World War II, US Government appoints physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer to work on the top-secret Manhattan Project. He and a team of scientists spend years developing and designing the atomic bomb. Their work comes to fruition on July 16, 1945, as they witness the world’s first nuclear explosion, forever changing the course of history.

(Version: English, Subtitles: Spanish, Presentation: Spanish)


About the speaker


Igor Campillo holds a PhD in Physics from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), and is a University Expert in Journalism and Scientific Communication from the UNED. He has worked as assistant professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the UPV/EHU, as head of international projects at Gamesa Energía, as researcher at LABEIN-Tecnalia, as head of projects and communication at the Center for Cooperative Research in Nanoscience - nanoGUNE, as head of the nanoBasque Strategy at the Basque Agency for Business Development - SPRI, and as director of the Technological Institute of the University of Deusto - DeustoTech. He is executive director of Euskampus Fundazioa since its creation in 2011.

He is co-author of more than 70 indexed international scientific publications and 3 international patents. He has recently been recognized by the International University-Business Innovation Network as one of the Spanning Boundaries Champions for university-industry-society cooperation. He has also been general secretary of the Atom by Atom and Passion for Knowledge Congresses.

He is currently collaborating with the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), of which he is an associate member, in the organization of the Cinema and Science Cycle.