"The Seed of Fascism", conference by Julián Casanova

Cinema and Science Series

Invited Scientists
Julián Casanova
Universidad de Zaragoza
Z aretoa, Tabakalera, Donostia / San Sebastián
DIPC, Basque Film Archive, San Sebastian International Film Festival
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"The Seed of Fascism", conference by Julián Casanova

Fascism, as it sprouted and grew in Italy, was basically a product of the First World War. Mussolini officially launched it on 23 March 1919 at a meeting in a building in Milan’s Piazza San Sepolcro. That was the birthplace of the Fasci di Combattimento, a national organisation that later brought together the different combat groups that had sprung up in the different cities. In November 1921, this minority group turned into the Partito Nazionale Fascista, and fascism and violence went hand in hand linked from the very out set. Thousands of squadristi spread terror, destroying the premises of ‘subversive’ parties, occupying towns, beating and humiliating political opponents. Between November 1918 and June 1921, 986 people were killed. For most of the ‘black shirts’, participation in squadristi militancy was the ‘main training experience’ before the rise of fascism to power.

The conference will be in Spanish.

Free entry.

About the speaker

Julián Casanova is a professor of Contemporary History at the University of Zaragoza and visiting professor at the Central European University of Vienna. Casanova is one of the leading Spanish historians of the 20th century and is internationally recognised for his studies on the Spanish Civil War. Some of his numerous books have been translated into English, Arabic and Turkish. In 2021 the Government of Aragon awarded him the ‘Premio de las Letras Aragonesas’ (Aragonese Literature Prize). His latest book is Una violencia indómita. El siglo XX europeo, 2020 (Untamed Violence. 20th-Century Europe).