Vincere (Marco Bellochio, 2009)

Cinema and Science Series

Invited Scientists
Antonio Rivera
Artium Museoa, Vitoria-Gasteiz
DIPC, Basque Film Archive, San Sebastián International Film Festival
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Vincere (Marco Bellochio, 2009)
Still from the film Vincere (Marco Bellochio, 2009).

The start of the 20th century. Benito Mussolini, a young socialist revolutionary, meets Ida Dalser, a woman as passionate as himself, who ends up supporting him in his political struggle, even when he changes course and replaces socialism with fascism.

First Antonio Rivera will give a brief presentation and after the screening there will be a question and answer session.

(Version: Italian, Subtitles: Spanish, Presentation: Spanish)


About the speaker

Antonio Rivera (1960) is a professor of Contemporary History at the Faculty of Arts of the University of the Basque Country. He is director of the Valentín de Foronda Institute for Social History and lead researcher of the Basque University System Research Group, ‘Nacionalización, Estado y violencias políticas’ (Nationalization, State and Political Violence). His two most recent books are 20 de diciembre de 1973. El día en que ETA puso en jaque al régimen franquista (20 December 1973. The Day ETA Put the Franco Regime to the Test) and Historia de las derechas en España (History of the Right Wing in Spain).