Mapping Culture. Entangling Science and Humanities (in Spanish)

New Paths of Science

Gustavo Ariel Schwartz
Ernest LLuch K.E. (Pº de Anoeta 13, Donostia / San Sebastián)
DIPC, Ernest Lluch K.E.
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Mapping Culture. Entangling Science and Humanities (in Spanish)

Within the program New Paths of Science, Gustavo Arien Schwartz will talk about science and humanities.

Can we analyse culture with equations, and is it possible to convert ideas, theories or people into vectors? Complex networks have brought about a paradigm shift in the way we understand the structure and evolution of knowledge. Today we know that ideas do not exist in isolation, that each new concept develops in a given environment which in turn is nourished by different areas of culture. This is what is called the "collective imagination" of each era. The sciences and the humanities develop interdependently within this imaginary, and what happens in one field necessarily affects the others.

We will observe in this talk that, based on the mathematical formalism of complex networks, and using the Wikipedia corpus, it is possible to generate cultural maps that allow us to visualise and understand the reciprocal influences between art, science and the humanities. This new methodology drives the analysis of cultural networks around iconic individuals and revolutionary ideas to understand the structure and dynamics that enable their emergence. In this way, data science and cultural analytics combine to entangle the sciences and the humanities.

The talk will be in Spanish (simultaneous translation service is not available). Free admission until full capacity is reached.

About the speaker

Gustavo Ariel Schwartz (Buenos Aires, 1966): physicist and writer. He is a Senior Scientist at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) and carries out his research activity at the Centro de Física de Materiales (CFM CSIC-UPV/EHU) de San Sebastián. He is also founder and director of the Mestizajes Programme at DIPC. He is co-author, together with Luisa Etxenike, of the play La entrevista. He also co-edited the collective work #Nodos and published the photobook Creativium. He has published more than sixty scientific articles and manages the blog Arte, Literatura y Ciencia.