New Paths of Science
For several years the Ernest Lluch Cultural Centre in Amara and the DIPC have jointly organised a series of conferences entitled "New Paths of Science". This programme has served to raise awareness of scientific work in our environment through talks given by local researchers.
Silvia Bonoli, astrophysicist, researcher at DIPC
Vida, obra y milagros de los agujeros negros supermasivos – 28/11/2023.
Txomin Romero, computer science engineer and Head of Supercomputing Center at DIPC
Supercomputadores: Qué son, para qué se utilizan y cuáles con sus límites – 23/05/2023. Podcast Donostia Kultura.
Aitzol Garcia-Etxarri, telecomunication engineer and physicist, researcher at DIPC
NANONEURO the power of nanoscience to explore the frontiers of neuroscience – 25/10/2022.
Román Orús, physicist, researcher at DIPC and Scientific director at Multiverse Computing
Quantum computing today – 17/05/2022.
Ignacio Arganda Carreras, computer and telecomunication engineer, researcher at UPV/EHU and DIPC associate
Introducción a la visión artificial y sus retos actuales – 17/04/2018.
Celia Rogero, physicist, researcher at the Centre for Materials Physics (CFM CSIC-UPV/EHU) and associate researcher at the DIPC: the secret life of molecules – 26/10/2017
Ricard Solé, specialist in the study of networks, lecturer and researcher at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.
Connecting worlds - 28/03/2017
Marta Macho Stadler, mathematician, lecturer and researcher at the UPV/EHU
Women with science - 15/03/2016
Jesus Ugalde, chemist, professor at the UPV/EHU and associate professor at the DIPC
“Izarren hautsa egun batean bilakatu zen bizigai..., bai ote?" - 04/11/2014
Xabier López, chemist, professor and researcher at the UPV/EHU and associate professor at the DIPC
Dancing with proteins - 19/03/2014
Javier Aizpurua, physicist, researcher at the Centre for the Physics of Materials (CFM CSIC-UPV/EHU) and associate professor at DIPC
Light in the nanoworld – 07/11/2013
Daniel Sánchez-Portal, physicist, researcher at the Centre for the Physics of Materials (CFM CSIC-UPV/EHU) and associate professor at DIPC
Nanoscience, from the atom to new materials – 16/04/2013
Pedro Miguel Etxenike, physicist, professor at the UPV/EHU and president of the DIPC
CICIC: Science Research Creativity Innovation and Culture. The palindrome of the future - 29/05/2012
Nanoscience and Quantum, really? (in Basque)
Arantzazu García Lekue
19:00 | Ernest Lluch K.E. (Pº de Anoeta 13, Donostia / San Sebastián)
Mapping Culture. Entangling Science and Humanities (in Spanish)
Gustavo Ariel Schwartz
19:00 | Ernest LLuch K.E. (Pº de Anoeta 13, Donostia / San Sebastián)
All activities +- Passion for Knowledge
- top@DIPC meetings - Zientziarekin solasean!
- STROM - Inclusive Astronomy
- Cinema and Science Series
- Cinema Festival for Children
- School visits
- Emakumeak Zientzian
- On Zientzia
- Jot Down Ciencia
- Crystallization of dance
- Donostia, Zientzia Hiria
- Art and Science
- New Paths of Science
- Pride in Science
- Zientziakutxa
- Mestizajes
- Zientzia astea
- El Palo de Eratóstenes
- Aranzadi Astronomy Seminars
- Scientific Lives
- Donostia Week-INN
- Mapping Ignorance
- IKUR Quantum Talks
- Collaborations
- Special events
- Science and Chess
- Kimikoteka
- Bertsozientzia
- Naukas Donostia
- nanoKOMIK
- Albert Einstein