El Palo de Eratóstenes - Interview with Raul Angulo

El Palo de Eratóstenes

Raúl Angulo
DIPC, Ikerbasque
Eureka! Zientzia Museoa
Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, Eureka! Zientzia Museoa, DIPC
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El Palo de Eratóstenes - Interview with Raul Angulo

The lecture series El Palo de Eratóstenes - Zientzia Elkarrizketak is an initiative of the Aranzadi Science Society that aims to disseminate knowledge of astronomy among the public. The project has the collaboration of Eureka! Zientzia Museoa and DIPC. The sessions have an attractive format with multiple sections to introduce different concepts and knowledge about astronomy:

News of the month. The observation of the first galaxies with the James Webb Telescope was this month's news of the month. The James Webb Telescope is already producing results in its primary objective, the study of the time when the first galaxies formed. And as expected, these observations, in addition to answering cosmologists' questions, are raising new questions. In fact, using the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope, they have just found a record galaxy observed only 290 million years after the Big Bang.

Image of the month: Spectacular fireball of cometary origin. We present the impressive images recorded a few days ago when a bright blue-green bolide crossed the sky over the Iberian Peninsula and exploded over the Atlantic Ocean. Its unusual origin would help us to understand its unusual appearance.

Interview of the month. Raúl Angulo is a researcher at the DIPC, where he works in the field of cosmological numerical simulations, which allow us to understand the origin of the structures that articulate our Universe. We will talk with him about his professional career and the projects in which he has participated.

The event will be broadcasted at Kutxa Fundazioa youtube channel:
