Detection of neutrino-nucleus coherent scattering
Type of Project: Experimental Project
Location: Donostia
Stefano Roberto Soleti
Francesc Monrabal
The GanESS experiment, which stands for Gaseous detector for neutrino physics at the ESS, is meant to detect coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CENS) and explore physic beyond the Standard Model.
Based on the technology developed in the NEXT experiment, the detection concept consists of a high pressure gaseous time projection chamber (TPC). It will use the electroluminesce process to amplify the signal preserving resolution. GanESS will allow to operate with different nuclei (Xenon, Argon or Krypton) in the same set-up and it will be optimised for a low energy threshold.
Before going to the ESS, using simulations, we need to find locations where the prompt neutrons from the ESS tungsten target do not compete with CENS signals. We also need to understand our detector and its response. Currently, we are working on this in the Neutrino Lab at the Donostia International Physics Center. The Gaseous Prototype (GaP) at the DIPC will test the operation at high pressure (up to 50 bar) and with different gases. GaP will also be used to characterise the response to nuclear recoil at low energies.
The student will have the change of work with this prototype at the DIPC facilites.