Exploring superconductivity in M-valley twisted moiré materials


Type of Project: Experimental Project

Location: Donostia

Supervisors: Miguel M. Ugeda


2DSPM Research Group

The recent discovery of superconductivity in two atomic layers of graphene in 2018 has triggered an intense search for unconventional forms of superconductivity exhibiting symmetries and pairing mechanisms never observed before in nature. To this end, artificially created materials engineered from twisted 2D materials with tailored properties are the most promising candidates to date. The experimental exploration of these 2D novel superconductors is our main research line at the 2DSPM group (DIPC). These simple and widely accessible 2D superconductors are expected to reduce the enormous complexity associated to the exploration of unconventional superconductivity. Furthermore, they offer unprecedented simplicity for modelling as compared to the most studied unconventional superconductors, i.e., cuprates, Fe-pnictides and heavy-fermion compounds.

This internship offers the candidate the opportunity to join our current efforts devoted to the fabrication and electronic characterization of twisted M-valley moiré platforms. The fabrication will be carried out using state-of-the-art instrumentation for the manipulation, transfer and stacking of monolayers of M-valley materials in inert atmosphere. Following the optimization of the twisted heterostructures, the formation of superlattices will be subsequently investigated via atomic force microscopy (AFM) in the dc-electrostatic mode. Here our guest will learn to directly visualize the atomic-scale structure of these moiré superlattices and probe the existence of superconductivity and other correlated electron states in these twisted materials by scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS) measurements at milikelvin (30 mK) temperatures.

In summary, this internship will provide the candidate the opportunity to carry out original research in the frame of an ongoing EU-funded research project in one of the most exciting fields of novel quantum materials. The candidate is expected to acquiring his/her own experimental data, and analyzing and interpreting them in collaboration with the rest of the research group.